- Ghastly Mathematics
A good number of very high profile philosophers and mathematicians have drawn attention to what they see as the intrinsic beauty in mathematical solutions. For example: "It seems to me now that mathematics is capable of an artistic excellence as grea ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Dec 19 2013 - 1:48pm
- Progress In Gibberish Computing
Part 1, ‘Generative Text Generation’ Daniel Shiffman is Assistant Arts Professor at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. The professor has developed a Markov chain-based Generative Text computer programme which he ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 1 2014 - 11:20pm
- Progress In Gibberish Computing #2
#2 ‘Implementing a Jabberwocky Gibberish Generator’. In contrast to some computer-programme developers who create gibberish by jumbling word-orders (see Progress In Gibberish Computing #1) others take a different approach, and scramble the letters of Engl ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 3 2014 - 1:06pm
- Why Eggs Are Not Round [The Math(s)]
Bearing in mind that the word ‘ovoid’ means ‘egg-shaped’, the question: ‘Why are eggs ovoid?’ has much in common with questions like or ‘Why are hearts heart-shaped?’ or ‘Why are sausages sausage-shaped?’ And the Zen-like qualities of the egg-shape questi ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 11 2014 - 7:49am
- Counting On Fingers- Not Quite So Simple?
Everyone (who can count) will instantly recognise the numbers 1 2&3 in the picture below: Or will they? Well, no they won’t. All is explained in an article for Osaka Keidai Ronshu, Vol. 60 number 5, where Professor Yutaka Nishiyama (Osaka University o ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 15 2014 - 3:21pm
- Boomerangs- Why Do They Come Back?- The Math(s)
Many may have asked the questions ‘Why are boomerangs crescent-shaped?’ and ‘Why do boomerangs come back?’ – but few, however, are in a position to provide scientific explanations – aside, that is, from Prof. Yutaka Nishiyama of the Osaka University of Ec ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 21 2014 - 9:13am
- Is this a Huorn?
Those familiar with the Lord of the Rings will remember the Huorns. According to the Lord of the Rings Wiki: Mostly the Huorns stood as dark trees in the deepest forests, gnarled and unmoving, yet watchful. When aroused in wrath they moved swiftly as i ...
Blog Post - Robert H Olley - Jan 24 2014 - 9:25am
- Dialogues On Answering Machines- Academic Investigations
• What is ‘Answering Machine Talk’? “Answering machine talk represents a form of mediated conversation in which messages are recorded to facilitate communication between participants.“ • What of the resources? “The talk which occurs in such messages draws ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Jan 24 2014 - 10:44am
- Paparazzi Zapper For Celebrities (patented)
“Photography has been around for many years. A problem associated with photography is oftentimes many people do not want to have their picture taken. For example, many celebrities do not want their picture taken or pictures of their companion’s [sic?] or ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Feb 3 2014 - 10:09am
- Prayers- What Are They Worth (in US Dollars)?
• Some people might feel happier if they get their hands on some more money. • Some people might feel happier if they use their hands to pray. Leading some to the question: is it feasible to equate the two? In other words, is it possible to put a price on ...
Article - Martin Gardiner - Feb 11 2014 - 2:31pm