My doctoral thesis was on characterizing regions of instability in sporadic colorectal cancer. I showed the presence of homozygosity of regions or whole chromosomes termed uniparental disomy which were contributing factors to the process of carcinogenesis. A paper related to this aspect was published in Cancer Genetics Cytogenetics. I also published a paper on the effect of the TGFbRI (9A/6A) polymorphism on reduced instability in sporadic colorectal cancer.
I subsequently went on to do my postdoctoral research work in prostate cancer at the University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, USA. I published a review on molecular mechanisms of castration resistant prostate cancer progression in Future Oncology. I received a grant from the American Urological Association to perform research on the TFF1 (trefoil factor 1) gene in prostate cancer. I was also actively involved in critiquing scientific manuscripts that were submitted to scientific journals. I attended and presented posters on my research at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
At this point, I had to take a break from research due to personal commitments. I started freelance science writing in 2012 and chose to continue writing on topics related to cancer. I wrote a few articles in the online magazine "Chemotherapy Advisor" on topics of HPV, Leukemia in Down Syndrome Patients, Infertility in breast cancer patients and Tumor Lysis Syndrome. Besides cancer, I have also written an article on diabetes. I continue to look for avenues to write and also edit articles. I hope to convey my thoughts, through this blog, on the various aspects of cancer research.
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