Note to self. The list of countries to avoid visiting grows in 2010 with the entry of Ireland, a green country where people speak with a funny accent and drink good spirits. These are not at all reasons to avoid a visit. Instead, I find it sufficient the new law in force since January 1st against blasphemy. The law condemns the publishing or expression of content offensive or insulting religions (not just the Catholic one) with fines up to 25,000 euros.

Ireland is a nice, attractive country to travel to. On the down side, it sports a rather high concentration of pedophile priests, but I would be willing to forget the issue (after all, I would be unlikely to meet any). But I do find freedom of expression more important than the protection of the feelings of a few bigots. I am not used to curse God in my everyday speech, but I may let go with a "dio por.." in case of extemporaneous pain or other accidental misfortunes. Since I would be unwilling to spend 25,000 euros because of such spontaneous expressions of the nature or appearance of non-existing entities, Ireland gets my embargo.