The graph appears to be genuine, so this is a good candidate for the IgNobel prize IMHO.

The figure, which was shown at the SUSY 2013 conference in Trieste by Sho Iwamoto, describes how the LHC exclusion region "penetrates" into the opening in SUSY parameter space. The talk actually contains several versions of this figure, but this one, showing some up-right pushing action as the integrated LHC luminosity grows, and highlighting sensitive spots in the parameter space (see e.g. slide 26 at above link), is just too much. No wonder that the audience started giggling as the speaker put it up.
Thank god, physics can be entertaining also to us perverts sometimes ;-)
... Okay, okay - I promise that I will get back to publishing interesting new physics results. I just gave my plenary talk on CMS Overview at the ICNFP 2013 conference in Kolymbari (Crete, Greece) this morning, and as you might imagine I am trying to relax a bit. This was a wonderful occasion for a different kind of post, one I could not avoid taking.