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When Told Lower Incomes Mean Less School Funding, College Students Become More Liberal

So many people want to move to the United States of America because virtually anyone who arrives...

Yellowstone Wolves: Good For Urban Environmentalists, Bad For Everyone Else

A new analysis claims that crown volume of stream-side shrubs is a key metric for evaluating trophic...

Hims Telehealth Company Under Fire For Super Bowl Ad

Hims Inc., rebranded as Hims  &  Hers Health, Inc. after they went public in 2020, began...

In Finland, Farmers Are Now Forced To Yell At Geese To Try And Keep Crops From Being Ruined

While talking to farmers in Illinois on September 25th, 1956 who were concerned about increased...

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I founded Science 2.0® in 2006 and since then it has become the world's largest independent science communications site, with over 300,000,000 direct readers and reach approaching one billion. Read More »

Be careful how you cite. Apparently the Scienceblogs guys got busted for using images that were copyrighted.

When white Americans were asked in a new study to pick a dollar amount they would have to be paid to live the rest of their lives as a black person, most requested less than $10,000. A minor thing.

In contrast, study participants said they would have to be paid about $1 million to give up television for the rest of their lives.

This would seem to state that white people don't think being black is such a big deal in 2007. Not the case at all, says Philip Mazzocco, co-author of a new study study and assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State University's Mansfield campus. Instead, he says the results suggest most white Americans don't truly comprehend the persisting racial disparities in our country.