Science & Society

Pope Francis: The Most Scientific Pope Ever

Pope Francis can claim many firsts; he is the first non-European Pope since 741 AD, the first from the Americas and the first from the Southern Hemisphere. Given his nuanced positions on science issues like climate change and agriculture, some might also c ...

Blog Post - Hank Campbell - Mar 15 2024 - 6:11am

Spurious Correlations: Abortion Laws May Lead To More Zika Microcephaly

ThinkProgress has found a way to use the tragedy of the Zika outbreak to advance their political agenda. America is one of two developed countries that allow abortion on demand at any stage for any reason (Canada is the other one) and the lack of a nation ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 3 2024 - 10:01am

The Victorian Era Got Juvenile Crime Right

To modern cultural sensibilities, "Victorian" means 'repressed' because it seemed overly formal to people that want to wear flip-flops into the office, yet they clearly got some things right.(1) The name derives from the reign of Queen ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 15 2024 - 10:21am

Environmental Health Trust Now Claims 5G Cell Phones Kill Trees

Prior to 2021, if you found an anti-vaxxer, it was also going to be someone who bought organic food and thought cell phones cause cancer. While some kooky Republicans have taken over for some of the wacky left-wing people that deny vaccines, organic food a ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 15 2024 - 2:02pm

If A Weedkiller Turned You Gay, We'd Like To Interview You

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lawyer who leveraged a name that was essentially beatified by Democrats into a lucrative career trying to promote corporate conspiracies about cell phones (cancer!), GMOs (cancer!) and vaccines(everything else!) and he had some s ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 15 2024 - 2:31pm

Medical Education And Sneetches With Stars

Proper clinical research exposure in medical school is a somewhat modern invention. Prior to changes implemented by Harvard Medical School in the 19th century, medicine was more application-focused, but gradually medical schools began to expose students t ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 16 2024 - 5:20pm

This Earth Day, Thank A Chemist

Earth Day is fast approaching and, let's face it, if you celebrate Earth Day you probably hate science. And you really hate chemists.  But there has never been a reason for it, it is simply modern chemophobia. If you ask an environmentalist if they s ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 18 2024 - 9:17am

If RFK Jr. Wasn't Good Enough For Pres. Obama, He Shouldn't Be Good Enough For Trump

Earlier today, President-Elect Donald Trump met with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and, at least according to RFK, Jr., wants the prominent Democratic anti-vaccine activist to head a commission on vaccine safety. ...

Blog Post - Hank Campbell - Apr 18 2024 - 3:39pm

Ecomodernist Manifesto- Environmentalism For The 21st Century

When a sustainability advocate leaves the intellectual playground of academia and starts trying to really get things done related to climate and energy, it is easy to become disillusioned. Not because of corporations, they actually did what was expected an ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Apr 22 2024 - 9:23am

The 2014 Food Revolution Promises To Save You From Science

Food is interesting to me. It's essential, of course, but it's also a lot of cutting-edge science that people don't see. It's hard to imagine now that when I was a kid, Prof. Paul Ehrlich (and then later our current science czar, Dr. Jo ...

Article - Hank Campbell - May 2 2024 - 9:49am