Paying For Plagiarism; Would You Pay $41,000 For A Dissertation?
If you have £21,250 (about $41,000) but only 15 days until your PhD dissertation is due, Oxbridge Essays LLC will custom-write Your Exact Question for you—with an upper 1st class degree GUARANTEED. Just need something smaller, like a literature review? Yeah, they do those too.
For students interested in using this service, it is up to you to “thoroughly examine...the particular rules, regulations and provisions” to check whether your school allows you to use services like Oxbridge Essays.
The site offers their services to students all over the world, but since it is UK based, I took the liberty of contacting each of the Top 10 Universities in the UK to see whether they permit the "employment of services" such as those offered by Oxbridge Essays LLP.
Not one of them allows it. Each of the replies sounded similar to Helen Thornbury’s, a Graduate Studies Officer at Trinity College Dublin, who said “these type of services would contravene regulations.”
The Oxbridge Essays site says that “We seek to make our business practices as transparent as possible.” I just received an e-mail from Oxbridge Essays asking me to participate in writing essays for their clients (it's great money!), and after perusing the site it seems pretty transparent that the idea is for clients to use this work as their own.
By the way, I wish I could tell you what it said in the aforementioned e-mail or give you a taste of the wording on the's so juicy! But apparently “Any review, distribution or copying of this email or any attachment is prohibited” (Oh shoot…does that part count?). Yeah...transparent.
That’s what really annoys me about legal jargon: if they say that they “explicitly and unambiguously condemn plagiarism in all its forms,” it absolves them of all blame for the exact thing they are promoting.
In the fine print, Oxbridge Essays makes sure to tell you (wink) that any writing services sold to the client are “intended solely for the purpose of inspiring that client’s own work through giving an example of model research, writing, expression and structuring of ideas.”
If you do, however, happen to use the work as your own, the service is “Fully confidential” and the essays are “Never Resold, Republished or Stored on Any Database. All written work is brand new and custom-made only for you.”
Ironically, they have several inspirational quotes from prominent authors and academics on their site like this one from the American Civil Rights leader Booker T. Washington: “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” Cheating? Yeah, hopefully pretty uncommon for most University students, and certainly not what Washington meant when he said this.
If your conscience is getting the better of you, and you're wondering whether it would compromise your academic integrity to use such a service, you're on your own: “Oxbridge Essays LLP offers the client no advice whatsoever on this question, and leaves the decision solely to the judgement of the client.”
If you're bored, I think it's fun to play around with their pricing guide to find out just how much it would cost you to get that Veterinary School Personal Statement you've always wanted. I recommend the Platinum Custom writing service...slightly more expensive, but personal statements are all about the details.
So…if this site can give you a completely unique, guaranteed 1st class PhD dissertation, custom-written to your exact question in only 15 days, what are all you other lazy PhD candidates doing with the rest of your three years, 350 days? Get writing!
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