Three, yes three, separate books with kraken in the title came out this year:
- China Mieville's Kraken, fiction of the New Weird literary movement. I understand it does legitimately contain a giant squid. Comes highly recommended by an English major friend of mine.
- HP Newquist's Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squid, apparently a chronological account of giant squid in myth and science over the years. No personal recommendations one way or another.
- Wendy Williams' Kraken: The Curious, Exciting, and Slightly Disturbing Science of Squid, a tale of contemporary squid science and scientists, notably some close collaborators of mine.
If anyone feels inspired to send me a free copy of any of these books, I will promptly read it and post a review. Otherwise we'll all have to wait for Santa Claus.