
UPDATE: One Drive Down, Microsoft Claims A Server Misconfiguration. Service is back up, Skype is still down.

O ne Drive a service many Windows users rel y on for storage and, unadvisedly as backup, is down.  This will be especially bothersome for devices that have smaller internal drives and rely on the cloud for storage, and for certain office apps that rely on ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Jan 12 2023 - 10:39am

TalkLife And AI Can Help People Be More Empathetic About Mental Health

Empathy is critical to having supportive conversations about mental health. But this skill can be tricky to learn, especially in the moment when a person is sharing something hard.  ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 24 2023 - 9:53am

FAIRY- How To Make Smart Materials Fly

Stimuli-responsive polymers will bring next-generation small-scale, wirelessly controlled soft-bodied robots. Even now, these materials have made robots that can walk, swim and jump. Now, a FAIRY can even fly. FAIRY is the nickname of the Flying Aero-robot ...

Article - News Staff - Feb 1 2023 - 6:18pm

Chat GPT: AI Eventually Replacing Sitcoms And Perhaps News Commentary?

W e already know Chat GPT and the tech behind it can replace comedy acts. Right now a new ongoing stream of “news” totally made up news like stories, is being powered by Chat GPT and animated using the Unreal video game engine. Unreal engine a 3D game eng ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Feb 12 2023 - 8:16pm

AI Language Models Like ChatGPT May Paraphrase Without Citing The Source

With ChatGPT a huge fad, students may be excited that their next paper will be easy, because if it is truly AI it will start from the unique seed you give it. Yet it does not work that way. Language models that generate text in response to user prompts use ...

Article - News Staff - Feb 18 2023 - 5:01am

Government Lockdowns During COVID-19 Led To Less Activity

Some companies profited during the government lockdowns and then lingering social stigma about being outside the home. Exercise bikes, office furniture, and coffee machines all did well. It will be decades before we know how many have been impacted in ways ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 20 2023 - 11:00am

The Restrict Act Is So Bad That It Made This Transgender Woman Agree With Tucker Carlson.

T he Restrict Act would ban anyone from accessing a online service ran by a US adverssary, which would mean any and all apps owned by Tencent.    Tik Tok is a very malignant and horrible app that tracks you in so many ways if it is on your phone.   So say ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Mar 29 2023 - 11:39am

What Aggressive Driving Means For Automated Cars

In what they are calling the first study to systematically identify aggressive driving behaviors, a team believe they have measured the changes in driving that occur in an aggressive state. Obviously non-professional aggressive drivers drive faster and mak ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 11 2023 - 11:11am

A Table Sized Vaccine Printer Could Allow Deployment In Difficult Areas

If a vaccine requires cold storage for shipping, many areas where infrastructure doesn't hold up are unable to receive them. A possible solution to this problem is a mobile vaccine printer that could produce hundreds of vaccine doses in a day. The pri ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 24 2023 - 10:39am

ChatGPT Can Replace Journalists But It Can't Pass A Doctor's Final Exam In Med School

For years, many have feared that artificial intelligence (AI) will take over national security mechanisms, leading to human slavery, domination of human society and perhaps the annihilation of humans. One way of killing humans is medical misdiagnosis, so ...

Article - The Conversation - Apr 27 2023 - 8:55am