Wondering what's going on with the LHC, or whether AI will ever evolve? Wonder no more.

LHC decision expected Monday: A final decision on the exact date to switch it back on is expected following a meeting on Monday. CERN researchers have been in talks this week about when to re-start it, what caused the melt-down in the first place, and how to prevent future incidents. CERN hopes the machine will be up and running in time to deliver the first batch of data for experts to begin experiments by the end of the year.

Scientific Blogging bloggers have varying opinions on how the LHC will affect our lives. See the New Scientist article for more information.

British scientists develop robot that can adapt and evolve: A team from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen developed a robot that can adapt and evolve, according to the Daily Telegraph.

The machine even adapts when new limbs are attached, the team told the New Scientist magazine. Living creatures took millions of years to change from amphibians into four-legged animals but the new machine can perform a similar trick in hours. Its software automatically gets bigger and more complex as its physical body develops.

See Garth Sundem's blog post for an inside look at what Scientific Blogging contributors and guests think about AI. And the New Scientist article for more.