Study: Caloric Restriction In Humans And Aging

In mice, caloric restriction has been found to increase aging but obviously mice are not little...

Science Podcast Or Perish?

When we created the Science 2.0 movement, it quickly caught cultural fire. Blogging became the...

Type 2 Diabetes Medication Tirzepatide May Help Obese Type 1 Diabetics Also

Tirzepatide facilitates weight loss in obese people with type 2 diabetes and therefore improves...

Life May Be Found In Sea Spray Of Moons Orbiting Saturn Or Jupiter Next Year

Life may be detected in a single ice grain containing one bacterial cell or portions of a cell...

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Was the fall of the Roman Empire or, as often predicted, the coming fall of the American Empire, numerically predictable?

It is, according to research led by Sergey Gavrilets, associate director for scientific activities at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis and a professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville published in Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History.

How can a man who writes an article noting the many positive strides made in eliminating gender discrimination be sexist?    Well, he isn't, but men who go out of their way to help women can be considered sexist, thought it is a more benevolent sexism than the real kind.

New research from the University of Granada warns about the negative effects of "benevolent sexism", a term used for apparently positive ideas and attitudes of men towards women, which are based on the assumption that men must take care of and sacrifice themselves for women.

If you're in the camp that says the U.S. military is not ridiculously ahead of the rest of the world enough, there is good news.   Months ahead of schedule, scientists at Los Alamos National Lab have achieved a breakthrough with the Free Electron Laser (FEL) program, demonstrating an injector capable of producing the electrons needed to generate megawatt-class laser beams for the Navy's next-generation weapon system.
For policy makers and politicians, there is confusion over what peer review is and how it should be used in policy decision making and, really, how improved technology and new science (including any ethics issues) make critical evaluation by the independent peers of those who create advancements more important than ever.

A. Alan Moghissi, president of the Institute for Regulatory Science, and Michael S. Swetnam, of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, write in Technology&Innovation that review criteria must be identified, the process must be transparent, and over reliance on specific peer reviewers must be avoided.  Institutional, intellectual and personal conflicts of interest must also be avoided.
Do birth control pills cause weight gain?   Virtually since their introduction it was believed to be true but new research conducted at the Oregon National Primate Research Center at Oregon Health&Science University says that is not the case.

To conduct their research, scientists and physicians studied a group of rhesus macaque monkeys at the OHSU Oregon National Primate Research Center for almost a year. Rhesus monkeys were used in this study because their reproductive system is nearly identical to humans. However, unlike human studies, more variables can be controlled and measured – such as exact food intake - to provide more meaningful data.
If you are concerned your child spends too much time playing video games, you're not alone.  And you may be right in your worry.   A new study says video game "addiction" is a global problem and that greater amounts of gaming, lower social competence and greater impulsivity were risk factors for becoming pathological gamers.

A two-year longitudinal study of 3,034 third through eighth grade students in Singapore found approximately 9% of gamers to be pathological players according to standards similar to those established by the American Psychiatric Association for diagnosing gambling addiction. Serious problems like depression, anxiety, social phobias and lower school performance seemed to be outcomes of their pathological play.