Pessimism Makes The Headlines...
The Pharaoh, The Suburb, And Mathematics.
Gender Ideology In Science
Handshake Chain Through History
Is It Immoral To Oppose The Use Of Pesticides?

Why are some humans cruel to people who don’t even pose a threat to them – sometimes even their own children? Where does this behaviour come from and what purpose does it serve? Ruth, 45, London.Humans are the glory and the scum of the universe, concluded the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, in 1658. Little>

What caused the extinction of the woolly rhinoceros ten thousand years ago from an area in Europe covering the coasts of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the coasts of the Mediterranean in the south? What caused the extinction of the mammoth while other ice age mammals like the musk ox just barely survived to present>

With Burns Night this weekend, Scotland will celebrate its heritage. In the First Among Equals country to the south that controls them, Scottish accents used to mean trouble. Now, it is the sound of safety for both English men and women.A new study finds that the English, even some Welsh and Scottish, associate>

Yesterday, the Senate confirmed former Congressman Lee Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Though the Trump administration has promised reform, there will be big challenges in that. Though high-profile jobs are appointees, the nuts-and-bolts work of governance is done by career employees, and nearly>

The Posthumous Memoir of Ignaz VenetzThis memoir was published by the Swiss Natural Sciences Society, shortly after the death of Ignaz Venetz, to honor his great contribution to science.For background information, please see part 1 of this article -The Posthumous Memoir Of Ignaz Venetz and Ignaz Venetz>

If we had a prize for Most Celebrated Business Hero in America, it would have to be Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple.The agile doge of Silicon Valley had a “death stare” you couldn’t escape.He had a up-from-orphan back story you couldn’t resist.And he had the vision of ten of his fellow technology executives>