Hollywood's going to need more military costumes for villains.   James Cameron, the-man-who-hates-Marines(1), has agreed to shelve other projects and film Avatar 2 and 3 (has filming sequels simultaneously ever worked?   Does anyone regard that second "Pirates of the Caribbean" as a good film?  How about "Back to the Future 2"?   You see what I mean) for release in 2014 and 2015 - supposedly because Fox made a donation to an environmental charity.

Yeah, right, every director makes huge financial and creative decisions based on a corporation getting a tax write-off.    He made it because they paid him a lot of money and they did that because AVATAR is the highest grossing film of all time, taking in nearly $2.8 billion in worldwide box office.(2)    He has also worked with them for 25 years, since "Aliens" in 1985, and they stuck with him when he went wildly over time and budget on "The Abyss" and dreck like "True Lies".


(1) He's basically the anti-Michael Bay when it comes to his feelings for the military.

(2) Yes, gross receipts are a meaningless statistic but movie studios would look like they are out of business if they used tickets sold.  "Gone With The Wind" from 1939 sold 202 million tickets to "Avatar"'s 97 million.