Even a website by researchers who support the use of Ivermectin say you need to get vaccinated. So why do people like Joe Rogan and other podcaster/influencers lean into anti vaccine anti science and counterfactual rhetoric? Vaccines should not be mandated for those who just don’t want them but the rest of us should not have to accept anti-scientific reasons. If someone does not want to be vaccinated fine no one should be forced. Adjust by accepting online schooling, remote work, eating carry out instead of dine in, etc. Have the integrity to admit it’s because you just don’t want it, no reason. Especially if you aren’t someone who was health conscious at all, and who eats junk food and drinks diet soda and never exercises at all. So, what if people who fit that description,

No opinion trumps data and non-expert opinion is not equal to expert opinion.

This is true whether it is the opinion of an auto mechanic on how a car runs or a physicist working out a problem in quantum mechanics. Unless the auto mechanic also has education in quantum mechanics and or the physicist is also a mechanic then they both need to stay in their lane. If I refuse to have a repair to my car I should have that right so long as that repair does not compromise the safety of my car on the road. i.e. having breaks that will not work reliably and cause me to crash into a harm someone else. IF I have the gumption to say I don’t want my brakes fixed, and crash into someone all the liability for that is on me.

Everyone would get this so why do so many people think they have a right to have their unscientific medically non expert opinion respected when it comes to medical science? Even people who practice alternative or traditional medicines have spent quite some time studying it, if not going to a school for it, or learning from a long-term practitioner of it.

Now we have people willing to take any medicine but the one thing we know will make a significant impact, vaccination. Herbal tea can at least be comforting when one has a respiratory illness and does no harm and costs almost nothing. Aspirin was derived from a substance found in Willow bark tea. Instead of a TINY amount of one western medicine folks who never gave a darn what “chemicals” they put in themselves now are willing to off label use medicinal and non-medicinal substances from Ivermectin to colloidal silver.

Even the most charitable most pro ivermectin use website looking at meta-analysis of 75 studies says that it is NOT a substitute for vaccination.

The Peoples Republic of China, a horrible genocidal communist regime which is where this started once pushed traditional Chinese medicine as part of treatment. To an extent they still do but still require vaccination.

Sweden the county so many right wingers wanted the US to be like requires vaccination.

Honest knowledgeable practitioners who don’t discount the validity of traditional approaches to disease control or herbal medicine also know that scientific modern medicines also work and are also valid. Being afraid of a needle isn’t some newfound belief in holistic medicine, it’s not noble, it’s just being afraid of a little pinch, and at worst some body aches.

Religious leaders of the major faiths have said it is not against Christianity (Including protestantism) , Judaism (Including orthodox Judaism), or Islam, or Buddhism, to get vaccinated.

There is no scientific, or religious, or medical, or ethical reason to not get vaccinated.

If knowing all these varied places and points of view who have taken a clear-eyed look at the data and decided vaccination is necessary does not convince you I don’t know what to say. If you call it the “woke poke” or the jab after knowing these things, then Darwin’s law will operate on you and yours and it will be sad.

Donald Trump even favors vaccination and he ain’t woke. He opposes government vaccine mandates and that is reasonable. Outside of specific situations the government has no interest in that. I do think business owners have a right to insist on the physical health of their employees within reasonable limits.

I WILL BE SAD for all those who die for no reason other than ignorance in the 21st century.

The process of science is data lead not a debate.

There is a point in any area of science where we don’t know anything. Where expert scientists must start from a little bit of data to form hypotheses and take more observations or perform experiments. That is where we were in early 2020. We knew that Sars-Cov-2 was like SARS in a way. So, measures were taken as if it was just a replay of SARS which didn’t spread much beyond Southern China. Like MERS another Sars like virus which has never spread much beyond the middle east.

That is what Fauci, Dazak, and others were operating on experience with similar viruses. They were wrong to be so against the idea of it being a lab leak. I was very vociferous at the time about the straight logic of it being a lab leak. Given new data, more data, they have been led by the data to the conclusion that a lab leak is very possible as has most of the scientific community. That is how science works. We start from a very educated guess, use it to structure experiments and further investigations, then reject the hypothesis or accept it. Then start over again to check the hypothesis. It is a never-ending process of refinement, not ever statements of absolute truth. Though some things are irrefutably proven by simple observations.


Vaccines work by creating antibodies which take effect to ensure mild infections stay mild. That is always how they work this is a fact as sure as the world is round and the speed of light in vacuum is constant.

Did they have other agendas of course! Scientists are people who want to keep our jobs. Our rent and food aren’t free, my attorney, my doctor, my hairdresser, don’t work for free. Why would scientists not also want to get paid? We also don’t want to start World War III if the lab leak hypothesis turns out to be wrong, and it could’ve been wrong.

Joe Rogan, does not get to have an opinion about scientific matter. No more than I get to tell my mechanic how to fix my car. He knows a lot about some things. He should invite more guests on that will challenge what you think. Invite a selection of guest on who reflect the ratio of scientist who believe vaccination is a valid and effective strategy for this disease. Heck even people who think ivermectin AND vaccination are both valid would be a welcome change from him. 

Something tells me that that open letter won’t matter let alone my blog even if it was read by millions instead of thousands and thousands over time. Many social media influencers take themselves way too seriously and seem to think that a certain level of people listening to them means they know what they are talking about. They’ve forgotten people love to watch a train wreck.

Rogan in particular calls himself a smooth brained monkey. Listen to a highly evolved Australopithecus occasionally. We did a lot of work to get where we are.

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