There are 5 specific groups working on biofuel and all with different meanings and purposes and ends.

First group is people like me who started working on biofuel when Professor Melvin Calvin found out that during second world war plants were used to obtain biofuel and he started the work at UC Davis California almost in 1973 or so follow by others However once the prices and crisis came down people forgot this work or tried to put is aside.

I belong to one who picked it up on his behest in India and followed it up right from 1980 with support from Govt of India , DNES, MNES and then DBT till date mainly working on agrotechnology of hydrocarbon yielding plants and later on Jatropha curcas and followed it up wiht the help of various projects to village level in my area of work where over 40 villages are involved and still following it up to the replacement of fireplace with cost effective and ecofriendly bifuels.

The second jump was when the matter of green house gas emissions started.

The players were

1. NGOs from around the globe who extracted major chunk of funds and are managing meetings at various levels and making significant contributions.

2. Scientists across the globe developing new technologies of biogas, biodiesel, biofuel, energy crops.

3. Farmers who jumped the bandwagon from losing incomes to decreasing prices of their produce and set aside lands to biofuel crops form the corn, soybean, etc.

4. Private companies who wanted to make money while sun is shining.

5. Governments working out methods of funding projects, changing regulations and implementing Kyoto or other protocols and discussing matters of economic development linked with stumbles of environmental pollution and trying to find ways in carbon credits so that some one works for money to help mitigate green house gas pollution by taking some money.

 Plants are watching this interplay of interests with different voices across the globe in search of someone who would come and save them and allow them to live and let live till the end of the centuary 21st with the hope that they will also see the light of 22nd centuary when you and me will not be there (means people above 60s unless new technologies will make us live for over 100 years) but let us hope the plants will survive and so will our next generation.
Save plants to save our next generations.