I was watching Jesse Ventura's show on Global Warming today. He went after those who are promoting Global Warming as a way to increase their pocket books. He had interviewed one of the business owners who are providing tax breaks for those who willing to remove their carbon footprints.
These tax credits were to be said to give business the license to pollute rather than clean up their messes. While Al Gore, from what I understood from the show, isn't the master mind behind the Global Warming Theory. He is more of a spokesman who is also making money off of this conspiracy theory.

The real leader behind this conspiracy theory is a former UN Leader who has made billions of dollars off of this latest scientific research. While the show goes on to unveil further flaws in Global Warming, Jesse, in his no-nonsense approach, goes to where the digging on who is behind Global Warming takes him. Maury Strong is a billion dollar industrialist who has had scientist doctor the reports in order for these people to take over the world and our lives.

His team digs into who is funding and making all the money in order to control the world as one government. Strong is a billion dollar industrialist. As with all politicians, whether in office or not, they all have their own agendas to gain what they want for their own businesses. Whether you believe it or not, check into any politicians background, past and present, they all have their hands in their own businesses and other businesses, such as solar energy panels and wind turbine farms, for financial gain. 

While this may not be fully disclosed in any of their political campaigns, they all have their agendas for global domination, global warming, and other types of issues that would gain them a profit in the environmental issues somehow.

While I may sound a conspiracy theorist on global warming and politicians, there are things about global warming none of us know about.