Philosophy & Ethics

Teenage Sexting: Criminalize Abuse, Not Sexual Exploration

Now that so many teenagers have smartphones equipped with cameras it’s inevitable that they’re used to take pictures, sometimes regrettable pictures, and to share them with others. The problem is that this is not just often regrettable in their own eyes, ...

Article - News Staff - Sep 13 2015 - 8:33am

76 Percent Of Millennials Want To Know What’s In Their DNA

More than half (53 percent) of U.S. consumers want to know what’s in their DNA, according to a new survey, yet only 7 percent of respondents say that their doctor has discussed genetic screening with them. The nationwide survey, conducted by marketing res ...

Article - News Staff - Oct 3 2015 - 11:00am

How Will Anti-Science Activists Treat GMO Humans Of The Future?

In the 1970s, scientists used genetic modification to insert the gene for human insulin production into yeast and bacteria cells. They turned those cells into tiny insulin factories, meaning insulin no longer had to be created from animal pancreases, whic ...

Article - Nicholas Staropoli - Nov 2 2015 - 1:53pm

Canada Must Protect Physicians Who Don't Want To Participate In Assisted Death

Assisted dying may become legal in Canada on Feb. 6, 2016 and given that country's recent lurch to one side of the political spectrum, doctors are worried that a more social authoritarian government will penalize then if they have conscientious objec ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 23 2015 - 1:08pm

Evolution Is Intelligent: A Learning Theory Opinion On Fitness

Some biologists resist the idea of intelligence in evolution because they are in a culture war against religious opponents who believe descent with modification was guided by a higher being. By being forced to abandon terms in response to encroachment by ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 20 2015 - 1:08pm

What Makes A True Scientist?

Is a scientist someone who does science? It depends on who you ask, according to a presentation at the AAAS meeting in Washington, D.C.  A century ago, an occupation based on intelligence was regarded as a blue-collar endeavor. Sherlock Holmes was better ...

Article - News Staff - Feb 14 2016 - 12:18pm

Organic Consumers Association Doubles Down On Pesticides And Zika Claims

Organic Consumers Association, which funds Denier For Hire cabals like the anti-science group U.S. Right To Know, has baffled the science community once again by just making stuff up. When groups made claims that a larvicide named pyriproxyfen was part of ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Mar 6 2016 - 8:00am

Virtual Reality "Laws Of Robotics"-Type Code Of Conduct Created

The technological capacity for generating virtual worlds from home computers will soon be widely available to the general public, as special head-mounted displays are brought to market that create the illusion of being immersed in virtual three-dimensional ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 6 2016 - 9:00am

Galactic Random-Genocide From Quantum-Relativistic Ethics With Diversity-Doctrine Or Donald Trump

Long Title: "Galactic Random-Genocide from Quantum-Relativistic Plenitude Principled Multiversial Many-Minds Ethics under the Doctrine of Diversity or Donald Trump" Alternative Title: The 1 CC = 50 FF or FFF Theorem or One Concealed Carry saves ...

Article - Sascha Vongehr - Jul 1 2016 - 2:33am

60 Minutes: No Broadcasting Standards, No Investigation

Last week, a small group of people held a protest outside Channel Nine in Sydney. They were objecting to the network’s treatment of Adam Whittington, the Australian man whose company “recovered” Sally Faulkner’s children on the streets of Beirut. It’s cle ...

Article - The Conversation - Jul 25 2016 - 8:12am