
Third MODE Workshop, Princeton July 24-26 2023

I am exploiting my column today to advertise a workshop that the collaboration I lead, MODE, is organizing at Princeton University this coming July. The workshop, the third of its series, aims to bring together physicists and computer scientists to join fo ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Mar 24 2023 - 10:29am

Primordial Black Holes and Dark Matter with Gravitational Waves

D ark matter is thought to be 85% of all the matter in the universe but we have no idea what it is. All we know is that there appears to be something that exerts gravitational forces that behave like ordinary matter. One theory is that there are very old ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Mar 25 2023 - 2:21pm

A Project On Hyper-Granular Calorimetry

In the last couple of days I have been busy writing a project to explore the potential of artificial intelligence to extract more information from particle detectors. In fact, while the development of these instruments in the course of the past 80 years ha ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Apr 1 2023 - 9:12am

April Plans

A long time ago, this column used to report a lot of detail of my personal life and of daily news about my work-related travel and activities. The site does offer two modalities for posts: article-type and blog-type; this determines where they appear in th ...

Blog Post - Tommaso Dorigo - Apr 9 2023 - 2:18pm

Systematic Uncertainties

Today I am traveling to Banff, a pleasant mountain resort in western Canada, to attend a workshop on systematic uncertainties. Yes, you heard that right- a bunch of physicists and statisticians will be gathering in a secluded location for a whole week, wit ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Apr 24 2023 - 6:10pm

BOOK REVIEW: Make Physics Great Again. America Has Failed, By Alexander Unzicker

Few authors dare to say aloud things about physics or the history of physics that may go against the status quo. Alexander Unzicker is one of them. In his last work, Make Physics Great Again. America has Failed (2023; translated into English from the origi ...

Article - Martín López Corr... - May 4 2023 - 9:43pm

Joint PhD Positions In Physics And Computer Science Available In Europe

The call for applications to Ph.D. positions at the University of Padova opened yesterday, and it will remain active for less than one month (deadline is June 7th at 1PM CEST).  ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - May 11 2023 - 5:46am

ETH Zurich Proved Einstein Right. As Usual Media Gets It Wrong.

I mpressive research conducted at ETH Zurich did show that quantum entanglement applies to even macroscopic quantum systems. In that case, superconducting Qbits. They did not show that Einstein was wrong or causality does not exist at the quantum level.  ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - May 13 2023 - 11:19am

Neuromorphic Computing For Physics Applications

The recent developments in artificial intelligence, most notably the demonstration of the weird power of GPT4 and other large language models, have brought the scientific community to ponder on some very foundational questions- What is conscience? What is ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - May 21 2023 - 10:24am

A W, A Z, And A Top Quark

The world of elementary particles has something in common with our own: there are large inequalities in the properties of particles, as in the properties of human beings. The heaviest particle, the top quark, with its estimated mass of 172 GeV is five orde ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Jun 3 2023 - 1:58am