It may not always seem like it because, let's face it, we love STEM and it's baffling that people would want to do anything else, but not everyone graduates from high school wanting to pursue it, even though they might have when they were younger.
It's no different in sports. Lots of kids love to play baseball when they are young but as they get older most stop, because they are not great at it and they instead focus on things they are great at. The way in which sports are different is that they have rabid fans, even if they are not great at sports themselves. They'll drive an RV to the parking lot of the stadium and hang out and cheer the team on, even if they never go inside.
In Folsom, that's how we roll. We cheer on science teams too, and that's why the 2015 Synopsys Sac STEM Fair is being held at Folsom High School this Saturday, March 14th and 4,000 people are expected to show up. That's bigger attendance than a whole lot of minor league baseball teams.
So we are going to tailgate it!

That's right, we are going to #TailgateTheScienceFair with Intel Corporation, who also know a thing or two about science anf engineering. If you are local, we want you to show up, just so we can take a giant picture, eat hotdogs and go see some young scientists. If you are not local, you can still help. We'd like to generate some buzz - we have a hashtag on Twitter, #TailgateTheScienceFair, and a Facebook page also.
Intel will be giving away sweet prizes and manning science experiments, we will have lawn chairs and hot dogs and t-shirts. And when science students go by we are going to cheer them on.