I assume all of you know this but, if not, here is the blurb I keep getting from the kind marketing folks at Science.

The upside: $25,000

The catch: The topic is limited to molecular biology.   

The criteria: This is for 'early career life scientists' so you may be excited, since the average age is now 42 years old before getting an R01 grant but, no, they mean only those who were awarded their Ph.D. in 2008.  So the only ones eligible are what you researchers call 'slave labor'.

What you need to do:  Craft a 1,000 word essay about your work.   Get a letter from your adviser.  Fill out this entry form.   Email all of the stuff to gescienceprize@aaas.org.

They simultaneously say the location of the award will 'be announced' and that the location of the award will be in Stockholm, Sweden.  The deadline is August 1, 2009 so it will be winter before you get any money.  Good luck!