Science History
- The Origins Of The Reductionist Program
The Origins of the Reductionist Program "How can the events in space and time which take place within the spatialboundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?" Erwin Schrodinger- What is Life- 1944 ...
Article - John Dennehy - May 13 2009 - 5:19pm
- Tucson’s Airplane Graveyard: A Different Kind Of War Memorial
This Memorial Day weekend, it is tradition to visit the graves of our fallen military soldiers – to remember, appreciate, and honor the lives given in service to our nation’s security and freedom. It is humbling to visit a national cemetery and see the tho ...
Article - Kimberly Crandell - May 27 2009 - 7:00am
- Random Noise #16: Dangerous Knowledge
Random Noise #16: Dangerous Knowledge... holding the paper with one hand, and jumping up and down as she works the pumping-handle with the other, she pushes dynamite down the tube till the paper cylinder is filled to a depth of about three inches.... To s ...
Blog Post - Patrick Lockerby - Jun 16 2009 - 5:02am
- The Stagnation Of Cooperation Theory
Article - Steve Davis - Jul 8 2009 - 3:21am
- Reminiscing The Past: Atoms-What You See Is Not All You Get
There are things or entities in or on an object that could be present and be proven to exist by experiments and yet one can not see because they are too small to be seen by our naked eyes or some cannot be seen at all. Examples are viruses, bacteria, molec ...
Blog Post - Camilo Tabinas - Dec 31 2016 - 10:08pm
- The Voynich Manuscript: Not So Mysterious?
The Voynich Manuscript part 4: Not So Mysterious? The Voynich manuscript was written in an as yet unreadable script. It is named after Wilfrid Voynich, who acquired it as a dealer in 1912 from the library of Villa Mondragone, a Jesuit college in Frascati ...
Article - Patrick Lockerby - Jun 2 2012 - 6:48pm
- The Voynich Manuscript Part 5: The Baghdad Connection
The Voynich Manuscript part 5: The Baghdad Connection ...
Article - Patrick Lockerby - Jul 23 2011 - 3:41pm
- The Voynich Manuscript Part 6: The Other Babylon
The Voynich Manuscript part 6: The Other Babylon When I first saw images from the Voynich manuscript, I was interested in the unusual script. As a linguist, my first thoughts were about the possible underlying language. As I have repeatedly stated since ...
Article - Patrick Lockerby - Jan 9 2010 - 4:25pm
- Victorian Myths And Galileo's Debt To Medieval Scientists
If there's one thing you've heard over and over, it's that mean old religion has always been the enemy of science. It isn't true, of course, but at least in America, with its Protestant heritage, anything that slammed Catholics got tr ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 6 2009 - 2:12pm
- How Darwin Was Misinterpreted
The Struggle for Existence was the title Charles Darwin gave to Chapter Three of On The Origin of Species, and he went to some trouble to explain exactly what he meant by this struggle. Throughout the chapter we find: “I use the term Struggle for Existenc ...
Article - Steve Davis - Aug 6 2009 - 10:50pm