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Swimming In The (astro) Pacific

As a newly minted, 1 year old professor, this is the deep end of the astronomy edu cation pool...

The Phantom Of The Laboratory

We are fortune here at Science20 to have come across an early work by Gaston Leroux.  This...

Engineering Roleplaying

Hey, you got simulation in my roleplay! Hey, you got roleplay in my simulation! Wait, it's two...

Stars That Ring Like Bells

Time to ring in a new year with pressure waves.  We can see, but not, hear true sonic waves...

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Read more about the strange modern world of a day laborer in astronomy, plus extra space science-y goodness.... Read More »

I don't want to sound alarmist, but glow-in-the-dark animals are real-- and it's not just cute kitty-cats.  As reported earlier here at Science 2.0, scientists did this and that to genetics to make AIDS-resistant cats.  Part of the process includes splicing in jellyfish DNA so the cats glow in the dark.

Yes, not 'they glow because of the medical reason', they glow for the fun of it.  They glow because the scientists wanted to track the progress of the other stuff, the real medical stuff they were doing.
It took me several pages to examine what it will take for the US to address the pending space weather catastrophe, Brewster Rockit nails it in three panels:
Brewster Rocket nails it

Until next week,
When I create original 'op ed' or educational bits for Science 2.0 (the movement, not the website), I often start with a podcast of the topic (over at 365 Days of Astronomy).  Then, I post the transcript or an extension of the podcast here as an article.  Finally, I can then draw from it when I lecture.  So the flow is:

   podcast monologue -> punchy article -> inspiring lecture
In Physics Today's 'We love you, you're perfect, now edit', three editors give advice to potential science writers.  Their advice includes the 3 holy rules:

  1) know who you are writing for
  2) meet your deadlines
  3) be polite

... and expands on it a bit.  Am I to steal another's writing instead?  No, so go read the piece.  That's what links are for.
Do you know what a creepmeter measures?  Measurement is the heart of science.  What distinguishes science from opinion or philosophy is measureables.  The root of science is facts that are determined by actual observation, compared, then extended into predictions.

Any good measurement has three parts: the number value, the units you're using, and the error.  If I say I am 6 feet tall, that's a number (6) and a unit (feet), with a presumed error of 'within an inch or two'.  All three parts are crucial.
I think it's heartening that people are starting to talk about careers for PhDs past Academia.