This Week's Topic:

Higgs Boson

The Higgs Boson, a particle so fundamental some call it 'the God particle'
Naturalness Explained With The Roulette

Five years ago I was fascinated by an analogy used by my friend Michelangelo Mangano to explain...

My interview at Festivaletteratura

At this link you can find the video of an interview I gave for Festivaletteratura Mantova (the...

Two Events At FestivaLetteratura 2012

I am very happy to have been invited, by Matteo Polettini, to two events that will take place at...

Guest Post: Higgs ? 126 GeV, Said The Four Colour Theorem

The following text has been offered as a followup of the Higgs observation by the LHC experiments...

The Quote of the Week: Harrison Prosper, Why We Want To Be Sure

"Given that the search for the Higgs took some 45 years, tens of thousands of scientists and engineers...

Tony Smith: My Two Bets With TD

As I explained yesterday, I am in the process of receiving payment for a few bets on possible discoveries...

First Effects Of Cuts To HEP Research

I cannot resist stealing the picture below, courtesy "IoNonFaccioNiente", the blog of Paolo Valente...

The SM Rules: Four Bets Won, $1200 Claimed

The path of the LHC experiments to the successful observation of a Higgs boson has not been the...

Is The Higgs A European Particle?

How soon after the claim that the Higgs discovery is 'international' did self-loathing Americans...

Craziest Higgs Stories

When I wrote about watching the Higgs discovery, I chided scientists on Twitter for over-reaching...

My Two Pieces On The Higgs

Yesterday the Italian newspaper "Il Manifesto" featured two pieces written by yours truly on the...

Seeing the Higgs Everywhere

I am seeing H everywhere this morning ! The picture below was taken yesterday near CERN, but today...

Science Journalism: Not Buying The Higgs Hype

I stayed up late (California) to watch the Higgs announcement and posted various thoughts of my...

Lagging Behind - Will answer in due time!

This is an apology and a promise - as every time there is a big event or deadline, everything else...

Rolf Heuer: "I Think We Have It" !

Rolf is drawing the conclusions. He just asked the audience:"I think we have it. Do you agree ...

Higgs Live Blogging 7 - The ATLAS Seminar

[ The previous entries of this live blogging series are available here (part 1) , here (part 2)...

Physicists Demand LHC Shut Down After Higgs And Higgs Nonsense

The Higgs boson has been discovered last year. There is no news today. It is merely the significance...

Higgs Live Blogging 6 - The CMS Seminar

[ The first three entries of this live blogging series are available here (part 1) and here (part...

Higgs Live Blogging 5 - Draft Quotes For The Guardian Etc.

[ The first three entries of this live blogging series are available here (part 1) and here (part...

Higgs Live Blogging 4 - Big Expectations

[ The first three entries of this live blogging series are available here (part 1) and here (part...