Stop eating your pet's food

Apparently people are eating their pet's food, and they're getting salmonella poisoning in return...

A scientific reference manual for US judges

Science and our legal system intersect frequently and everywhere - climate, health care, intellectual...

Rainbow connection

On the way to work this morning, I noticed people pointing out the train window and smiling. From...

Neutrinos on espresso

Maybe they stopped by Starbucks for a little faster-than-the-speed-of-light pick me up....

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Becky JungbauerRSS Feed of this column.

A scientist and journalist by training, I enjoy all things science, especially science-related humor. My column title is a throwback to Jane Austen's famous first line in Pride and Prejudice

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We could have made a killing off the previous administration... 

Credit: toothpaste for dinner.
Who doesn't need a little more widsom in their daily lives? Well, now you can have it, thanks to a real-time Twitter-like search engine that "looks to organize and share information and 'wisdom' currently on the web."
I imagine moths jamming bats' sonar looks like one of the two following scenarios:

Calvin and Hobbes

Q: Which phrase, more than any other, surged in utilzation in the news during the final months of the U.S. presidential campaign?

A: Obama's "lipstick on a pig" quip

For the first time, the Web has been used to track and attempt to measure the news cycle, the process by which information becomes news, competes for attention and fades, says the NY Times.
Yes! Science is finally wiggling its way in to that sweet spot of American culture, television. Exhibit A: the Emmy nominations, announced today. I've never paid attention to this before but was suckered in by a headline about Family Guy (the first animated series since The Flintstones in 1961 to be nominated as best comedy series) and happily discovered nods to science among the nominees.

Just some of the nominees from popular programming related to science: