Stop eating your pet's food

Apparently people are eating their pet's food, and they're getting salmonella poisoning in return...

A scientific reference manual for US judges

Science and our legal system intersect frequently and everywhere - climate, health care, intellectual...

Rainbow connection

On the way to work this morning, I noticed people pointing out the train window and smiling. From...

Neutrinos on espresso

Maybe they stopped by Starbucks for a little faster-than-the-speed-of-light pick me up....

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Becky JungbauerRSS Feed of this column.

A scientist and journalist by training, I enjoy all things science, especially science-related humor. My column title is a throwback to Jane Austen's famous first line in Pride and Prejudice

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I don't consciously seek out the Huffington Post, but two stories on Google News that caught my eye recently happened to be from there. I know how you love that site, Hank. Today's find is on the democratization of science, or the fall of experts from grace - what if we can't trust scientists and science? The article makes some thought-provoking points, whether you agree with all of the content or not.

In particular, I like this paragraph:
In the interest of wanting to prove to the skeptics that the latest Chrome beta version is actually faster than lightening, Google set up these awesome speed tests to see whether Chrome can load faster than a speeding potato shot from a cannon, lightning sent from a giant Tesla coil, and sound waves channeled through hot pink paint and a keytar.

Here's a YouTube video showing the experiments:

H/t to the huz and Matt Bors.

Now if we could just eliminate 1980s neon sunglasses and skinny jeans...

From tfd.
Absolutely stunning photos are now being released from NASA's new telescope, the Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Over the course of its five-year mission, it will study the sun's magnetic field and also provide a better understanding of the role the sun plays in Earth's atmospheric chemistry and climate. The images the telescope captures provide clarity 10 times better than high-definition television and transmit more comprehensive science data faster than
previous solar spacecraft, according to NASA. - NPR
Miguel de Cervantes said that a "man must eat a peck of salt with his friend, before he knows him." If the Institute of Medicine has its way, there are going to be a lot fewer friends out there for you, guys.