I think it is due time that I point out a few interesting articles that have appeared in the past couple of months in the blog of the AMVA4NewPhysics network, a consortium of 16 among universities, research institutes, and industries that has the goal of studying Higgs physics and new Physics with the LHC, using advanced statistical learning methods.
The network is currently hiring PhD students - 6 have been hired in the past few months and 4 more are sought (the calls will be publicized in the network web site as well as on Euraxess, inspire, Findaphd, etcetera). The students, along with their supervisors and the other members of the various nodes, are encouraged to do science outreach through a blog. And they have indeed started to put out very interesting stuff. However, the blog is not attracting a lot of traffic yet, so we need to boost that a bit to give the students and the other network participants the right motivation to keep writing about their research activities.

Here are a few of the recent articles you might like to have a look at:

...plus many more, of course! Please pay these posts a visit - you won't regret it. And don't forget to link the blog if you have a chance!