Bringing the concept of peer review to another dimension, I am offering you to read a review article I just wrote. You are invited to contribute to its review by suggesting improvements, corrections, changes or amendments to the text. I sort of need some scrutiny of this paper since it is not a report of CMS results -and thus I have not been forced by submit it for internal review to my collaboration.
The paper (pdf, postscript, pdf with line numbers) titled "Extraordinary Claims: the 0.000027% Solution", is a review of the history of the 5-sigma criterion in particle physics and a criticism of its blind application in today's new particle searches. It is 18-pages long, and should be perfectly readable by anyone, not just particle physicists. Of course if one does not know what a quark or a meson is some details might remain obscure here and there, but I strived for clarity and the text is quite didactical. So why don't you give it a look ?
I have tried this kind of "public review" in the past with some interesting results, and my papers have usually improved in the process, so why not this time too ? E.g., below you can see the scan of a page of a paper I published in 2005, with red pen annotations by a 14-year-old reviewer. She did such a good job that I mentioned her in the acknowledgements section! I could do the same with you this time if your comments prove valuable, too.
Recently I noted here that peer review should be a paid occupation - I find it outrageous that big companies earn huge profits by publishing scientific articles and keep the standard high by having the articles reviewed for free by experts in the field.
So, in order to be coherent with my beliefs, I am offering $10 (payable through PayPal) to the most useful comments produced by an outsider (yes, if you are a physicist you are not eligible, but you too might earn an acknowledgement in the paper). You have one week to send me your corrections and comments by email at tommaso(dot)dorigo(dot)gmail(dot)com. You should provide them with page and line coordinates (e.g. "P2 L12 akwward -> awkward").
And I know, $10 is really little money, but on the other hand I am not the CEO of a big company! You should consider it a symbolic token of appreciation. Also note, I retain the right to not award that prize to anybody if the comments are not good enough.
Extraordinary Claims: Review My Paper For $10