The AMVA4NewPhysics network is now offering its first 36-month scholarships, to perform research with the Large Hadron Collider experiments ATLAS and CMS, searching for new physics and studying the properties of the newly-discovered Higgs boson. The salary is in the 47000-53000 euro/year range, depending on family situation of the candidates. We strongly support the application of females as we apply affirmative action measures to ensure gender balance in the recruitment process.

Here is a tentative schedule of what the early-stage researcher could expect:
- selection closing September 30th 2015
- colloquium in first days of October
- announcement of winner mid-October
- start of position December 2015
and then:
- attendance of PhD courses in Padova, December 2015 - June 2016
- one-month secondment at University of Padova-department of Statistical Sciences, July 2016
- three-month secondment at SDG-Milano, an industrial partner, September-November 2016
- two-month secondment at the center for machine learning of the University of California-Irvine, December-January 2016
- one-month secondment at IASA-Athens, July 2017
- two-month secondment at CERN, March-April 2018
In addition, at least six among the following participations will be offered:
- attendance of one school of Statistics in Ischia, Italy
- attendance of a workshop in Outreach at CERN
- attendance of a workshop in soft skills at CERN
- attendance of a school in science journalism in Erice, Italy
- attendance of a Yandex school in data analysis in Moscow, Russia
- attendance of a workshop on machine learning at CERN
- attendance of a workshop on Roostats at CERN
- attendance of a workshop on parallel computing
- attendance of courses from a masters in Science Communication in Padova
For more information please visit the AMVA4NewPhysics web site, where you can download the call for applications and the application form. Or just drop me a line!