Global warming is caused by weight redistribution of oil extraction by the oil companies operating up north in the Arctic Ocean I think. This oil, which is insulating us from the Extreme heat of the earths mantle, is being depleted by the companies, resulting in the warmer ambient atmospheric temperatures. The result is carbon dioxide, which is lighter than anything in a liquid state, oil, which is being released into the atmosphere, finding it's way into our lungs, farmlands, barrenlands, ocean, just basically everywhere. Now combine this redistribution of weights with redistribution of wastes we put out from our house, trash cans, drainage systems, harvesting of fruits and vegetables, clearing of forests so we can develop to "Our Standards". This standard idea is wasting away tons of potential energy, as humans are alive, can reproduce, that is also adding additional weights unto this face of the earth. Before there was a baby, the weight was 5-10 pounds lighter. Time is giving us a lot of burden, due to overpopulation. Food chain, animals overpopulating and other animals extinct creates a wobble to this balance. When we are in a process of depleting this oil, the shape of the earth starts to be more like a pear instead of perfectly sphere. Melting the permafrost, in turn, releasing more methane caused by living things a long long time ago. I think there will be a connection between topographical events such as natural disasters around the "Ring of Fire" and the chain reaction would be most likely be caused by this extraction of oil up in the arctic, and the gravity, a force behind everything on this earth. When in doubt, think of the seal. It's blubber is insulating this marine mammal from the extreme cold. Human growing development in land, population and demand for a warm roof is causing an imbalance to the rotation of the earth, in conjuction with the oil extraction. In order to detect the wobbling of the earth, we should start monitoring the day to day declination of the magnetic north pole. Because I'm guessing what the magnetic north pole does, physical earth follows. What prompted me to write this is the unusual sunrise locations that we are starting to notice up north. Yes, the "Indian Ocean Tsunami on boxing day few years ago is partly to blame, but what caused this tsunami is the same as what is causing the "Global Warming". During early spring, the sunrise location used to be really low towards the southern horizon. Now it seems like it is way above our heads, not in the horizon. Also the warming and refreezing during spring time. Also, when the snow starts to melt, it just goes straight to melt. Traditionally known, the snow and ice used to melt at a much slower rate than it is currently now. Also, the asteroid might have fallen to the Hudson Bay, creating a weak gravitational pull. This asteroid became our core I think. Just look at the topographical features around Hudson Bay, which some scientists think is a result of an astrobleme, and isostatic rebound. In conclusion, common sense aside, and let observation rule.