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AI And The End Of Human Exceptionalism

Over the last two years, generative AI has smashed our ideas of what intelligence means, what AI...

Bringing Climate Change Into Physics Classrooms

Physics is one of the most remarkable scientific subjects there is. It incorporates many incredible...

Science Communication In Cosmetics

Cosmetics have been used for millennia, and in every family, there are mythical beauty treatments...

Enhanced Weathering And Protecting The Climate

Global warming is not new to the history of our planet, and so, by studying previous periods of...

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Mark PierceRSS Feed of this column.

Retired geologist and earth scientist, specialising in ore deposits and isotope geochemistry. Before retirement, I led the Australian government's pre-competitive geoscience programs for minerals... Read More »


Humans owe it to language for their many accomplishments throughout history. Our ability to communicate thoughts and ideas enabled us to build entire cultures, establish laws, and develop new ways of making life increasingly better. 

This week, scientists from the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California,

Researchers from the U.S.

New research, published in Nature Astronomy

Since the dawn of civilization, people have searched for the secret to long life.