Are you seeking to serve humanity as a scientist but in a new way? This might well be your cup of tea: AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition. AAAS, whose mission is "to advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people," has launched in January 2009 the Foundational Documents for this new activity consistent with its own broad goals:[1]

Goals of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition
include but are not limited to:[2]

1) Increasing collaborative communication, networking, and partnerships between science and human rights communities to enable scientists to gain a better understanding of human rights issues and human rights practitioners to gain a better understanding of the tools, expertise, and other resources that science and scientists can offer.

2) Enhancing the capacity of human rights organizations to apply scientific methods, data, tools, and technologies to human rights work, but also the capacity of scientific associations to better incorporate the priorities, approaches, and methods of the human rights community into their work.

3) Encouraging scientific associations to explore ways in which skills and knowledge specific to their sciences may contribute to human rights.

4) Promoting human rights awareness and programs within scientific associations, professional societies, and academic institutions in the United States and abroad.

Currently, the Coalition has five functioning working groups:

Welfare of Scientists
Science Ethics and Human Rights
Service to the Scientific Community
Service to the Human Rights Community
Education and Information Resources

How to Join

The Coalition does not impose dues for participation in its activities. To join, please send a letter or e-mail to, indicating that you or your organization would like to join the Coalition in one of the following categories, together with the information requested: 

 - Member Organization: name and contact details for your organization, its executive director, and your two representatives
- Affiliated Organization: name and contact details for your organization, its executive director, and your representative
- Affiliated Scientist: your name, contact details, and area of scientific expertise

The Coalition’s work is grounded in the principles and laws set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights and all other relevant international human rights treaties and norms. [3] I am listing those below for your information.

For further reading: 

[2] AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition: Foundational Documents, January 2009
[3] A Summary of United Nations Agreements on Human Rights