Based on Timothy Erickson's thoughts, I decided to start a new blog carnival on genes and gene-related diseases. Our plan is to cover the whole genome before 2082 (it means 14-15 genes every two weeks).

Please take a look at the "official" page of the carnival. (Suggestions are most welcome!)

The first issue will be hosted by Scienceroll on the 17th of February. The second will be hosted by Sciencesque two weeks later. Let me know if you would like to host one!

It'd be important to talk about essential genes and gene-related diseases to our readers. Please promote the carnival and submit your articles. So if you're interested, write a post about a famous gene or a well-known gene related disease. Or just like Tim, use the Random Word Generator to get a good idea about what to search for in OMIM.

We hope it's going to be fun and that this community can create an other well-visited carnival.
