Not much money this year?   Concerned that GM and Ford and all the big banks won't give out huge bonuses to CEOs if you spend too much?   Jan Brakefield, assistant professor of consumer sciences, offers a psychological tip sheet to follow during the holiday shopping season.

*Make a spending plan and stick to it.

*Shop early, before Thanksgiving. Eliminates last minute panic buying.

*Be prepared each time you leave home to shop. Carry a list of who you are buying for and how much you can spend. Be specific. Get agreements from family members.

*Pay cash. Credit card users typically spend twice as much money as others.

*Use the “envelope method.” Prepare one envelope per person, placing money in each envelope. When the envelope is empty, you are finished buying for that person.

Really want people to  know you have no money?  Wrap the gifts in newspaper headlines about a bailout caused by the idea that everyone should own a house whether they can afford one or not.  Photo: The University of Alabama

*Shop when you have lots of energy.

*Shop with a buddy, or not … a buddy may encourage you to splurge, so choose carefully.

*Ask sales staff about upcoming discounts. They will usually tell you, but won’t offer the information unless you ask.

*DON’T buy anything for yourself!

*Write the size of your total consumer debt at the top of your shopping list. Reality check!