GENEVA, Switzerland, November 26 /PRNewswire/ -- On Nov. 19, 2008 Cotecna signed a contract for the implementation of the International Conformity Certification Program (ICCP) with the Republic of Yemen.
The two year renewable contract was signed with the Yemen Standardization , Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO). Its objective is to provide protection of the health and safety of consumers through the ICCP.
ICCP services include physical inspection of goods in the country of origin or upon arrival in Yemen, collection of samples for laboratory testing, and compliance verification of imported goods with international and local standards. Compliant products are issued with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC).
The ICCP will be rolled out in close coordination with YSMO through awareness campaigns, conferences for importers and exporters, and the circulation of respective procedures and processes of VoC in Yemen.
Robert Massey, Chief Executive Officer said: This contract demonstrates Cotecna's competence in the domain of Verification of Conformity services and confirms our ability to expand such services to the Middle East and other regions.
Founded in Switzerland in 1974, the COTECNA Group offers a wide range of trade facilitation services, trade security services and quality certification standards. Cotecna is a pioneer in areas such as risk management, destination inspection and scanner integration projects and also offers Customs modernization programmes, Customs valuation assistance, trade security solutions and commercial inspections. For a full description of our services, please visit The Cotecna Group has a combined workforce of about 4,000 employees and agents in close to 100 offices and holds 16 government inspection contracts.
Contact: Cotecna Press Alison Bourgeois VP Corporate Communications Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: +41-22-849-78-23 E-Mail:
Contact: Cotecna Press, Alison Bourgeois, VP Corporate Communications, Geneva, Switzerland, Tel.: +41-22-849-78-23, E-Mail: