PARIS, June 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Aimed at French-speaking children aged 3-12, TIVI5MONDE PLUS is the first entirely free, fun and educational Online TV station accessible in non-French-speaking Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia and in the Arab world.
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TIVI5MONDE PLUS offers a wealth and quality of unique programmes thanks to a selection of the best children's television from French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada) with cartoons, entertainment, educational programmes and news.
This innovative service allows French-speaking families, and also anyone with a love of French and wanting to introduce their children to the French language, to access quality children's broadcasting in a safe environment and without any restriction to viewing times.
Contact: Mr Ivan Kabakoff, Telephone number: +33(0)1-44-18-55-63, E-mail: