
In Space, No One Will Hear Your Medicine Degrade

Good news for space travelers on medication- expiration dates aren't different in the low orbit of the International Space Station (ISS).  While the ISS is regularly resupplied with medicines to replace those which have passed their expiry date, this ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 13 2015 - 11:55am

Drug Driving

Warning labels on medications about the dangers of driving don't stop people from getting behind the wheel, according to Dr Tanya Smyth, from the Queensland University of Technology   Centre for Accident Research&Road Safety. Driving while affect ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 17 2015 - 11:29am

Carcinogen Level Higher Among Smokeless Tobacco Users

Smokeless tobacco is used far less than cigarettes, primarily among men and young people, but it has become a cause for concern due to links with adverse health effects and identification as a cause of cancer. Survey results and biomarkers published in Ca ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 18 2015 - 6:20am

Fuzi: Natural Chinese Medicine Jeopardizes Cardiovascular Health

A paper in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology warns that the use of unvalidated natural "medicine" may lead to severe poisoning. A 45-year-old Chinese woman was diagnosed with a severe heart-rhythm disorder, bidirectional ventricular tachycardia ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 20 2015 - 8:00am

ADHD Medication- A Prescription For Bullying

Kids and teens who take medications like Ritalin to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are also twice as likely to be physically or emotionally bullied by peers. At even higher risk were middle and high school students who sold or shared their ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 20 2015 - 9:30am

Use Caution In Prescribing Ritalin To Treat ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence into adulthood. Diagnoses exploded in the 1990s and now it is found in about 5% of children, but such diagnosis ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 25 2015 - 9:00am

Progesterone Supplements Don't Prevent Recurrent Miscarriages

New research finds that progesterone supplements in the first trimester of pregnancy do not improve outcomes in women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages. The study of 826 women with previously unexplained recurrent miscarriage showed tha ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 27 2015 - 11:30am

Higher Potency Cannabis Linked To Brain White Matter Damage

Smoking high potency 'skunk-like' cannabis can damage a crucial part of the brain responsible for communication between the two brain hemispheres, according to a new study. Researchers have known for some time that long-term cannabis use increas ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 27 2015 - 11:00am

Poisons Chemists Hate, But You Just Ate

Doods—chill. You just ate a bunch of poisonous stuff. Some of it was especially nasty, and I don't mean the cooking, rather, the chemicals in the food. Chances are that you are fine.  So am I, with the exception of sitting (mostly still) for two hours ...

Article - Josh Bloom - Dec 3 2015 - 12:11pm

Morning After: Taking Truvada Can Prevent HIV Transmission

In a study into the prevention of HIV transmission, people who took the antiretroviral drug Truvada were 86% less likely to contract the disease than those who took a placebo, report the researchers who led the study. ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 5 2015 - 7:06pm