Lieff is a past-president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), the national subspecialty association. As president, he helped found the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. He was the editor of the AAGP Newsletter for seven years and a consulting editor of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry for 10 years. He helped found the Geriatric Psychiatry Committee and the High Technology Committee for the Massachusetts Psychiatric Society. He has been a member of several APA committees and chaired their Committee on Telemedicine.
Lieff has been interviewed on television programs, including national and local news programs, 20/20, and has been quoted in Newsweek and People magazine. Dr. Lieff has written and edited books on geriatric psychiatry and wrote two of the first books on high technology in psychiatry for the American Psychiatric Press, Inc. He has published more than twenty professional articles and has lectured widely in neuropsychiatry, neuroscience, psychopharmacology, geriatric psychiatry, and high technology in medicine. http://jonlieffmd.com/
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