Today we are between what was supposed the be the day Britain left the EU, and Mothering Sunday, more popularly known as Mothers’ Day.
How how to link those two? Well, until recently I used to be a regular at a coffee shop which was also visited by adults with learning difficulties accompanied by their carers, most of whom were African ladies. From which a thought arose in my mind.
When something goes wrong, one often sees a government official or company spokesperson trying to put their gloss on the situation. They were frequently finish their explanation with the phrase “lessons have been learned”, though often one doubted if that was really so. In which case, might there not be a job for these highly intelligent African ladies looking after the government officials or company spokespeople?
And with the way the negotiations (if that is the right word) between our government and the European Commission have (or have not) proceeded, and the chaos that has ensued in the palace of Westminster, might not the African ladies be even better employed taking care of our Parliamentarians?
So on to Mothers’ Day. In Britain, we have many Gospel choirs, whose members come mainly from our Caribbean community. But travelling by YouTube (as I do), I have recently spent much video time in Ghana, and discovered there a genre of Gospel music which, to my ears at least, is far more spectacular than what we have over here. One particularly vibrant singer is Anita Afriyie, and here is a video of her at a Mothers’ Day celebration in Kumasi, a city of great historical, cultural, and present-day significance in Ghana.
The video lasts 8 minutes: the first 3 minutes 30 seconds are only a warm-up, but what follows will make the happenings at most festivals in Britain seem like a wet blanket in comparison.
Maybe some lessons to be learned here.
(The site is not letting me embed the YouTube video.)
Between Brexit (not or not yet?) and Mothers’ Day
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