(A possible General Theory of Cosmology)

From deep within the bowels of the infinite void where tranquil sameness rules a tiny point appears and struggles to be different, wishing only to understand what sameness is and why is it different. Hurriedly it learns before the infinite tranquil sameness once again takes it in its fold.

This simple statement can depict our universe and its evolution by the CCA Cosmology hypothesis.  The CCA Cosmology is a general hypothesis describing Nature from before the causing of our universe to the present complexity and predicts and explains events, particles and forces as known today and also presents some unfamiliar predictions.  This CCA hypothesis evolves the universe via Cosmic Symmetry Breaking (CSB) or phases that usher in specific cosmic changes.

In order to identify and quantify the major components of our universe, or Cosmos, its characteristics as well as its evolution by the CCA Cosmology need descriptions and definitions to allow verifiable predictions.  It is well accepted that the Universe, whatever it is,  is expanding and can possibly be accelerating or be oscillatory.  It is not unreasonable therefore, to consider the cause of the expansion to be some form of “Continuum Creation”.  This was done as part of a comprehensive cosmology hypothesis “Continuum Creation and Annihilation Cosmology”, or CCA Cosmology and is under continual review for verifying its predictions and its improvements from its inception in the 1960s to the present, with peer review publications.    This Continuum of both spatial and temporal coordinates also is the Background itself upon which mass and gravity manifest themselves.  Newtonian Space or volume was capable of existence independent of Time.  General Relativity united these “two” entities into one Spacetime concept, but still it may not be complete.  The concept of CCA “unites” Spacetime and mass (energy) into one Continuum quantized entity (as perfect fluid or “Ylem”).  CCA requires the Lagrangian of “empty space” (even if no gradients) to always be other than zero.  By current observations this Continuum can be identified as the recently “found” Dark Energy, which was predicted with calculable energy density by CCA.  What is observed depends on what behavior of the Continuum is examined (results in Complementarity). The Continuum values calculated use the assumptions that because of Geometry and specific makeup, the Continuum is irrotational on a “cosmic scale”, but not on microscopic boundary regions and the average density is “instantaneously” the same (average) and constant (only dark energy) throughout the Cosmos allowing for a scalar potential (relationship is found by spherical approximation and using the gradient). This means that there is a dependence of the Continuum parameters to the enclosed mass and enclosed volume.  As long as one considers cosmic scales in spacetime (staying away from strong interaction transitional, regions and their boundary with non-zero curl) the values are in agreement with Classical “Flat” and GR values.  The expected deviations, such as the Ricci tensor cannot vanish (mass at “infinity”) or the Energy Tensor has to include the equivalent mass of the Continuum volume, are almost trivial for most “usual” local measurable values.  A good example of the small magnitude of such local values is the solar mass that seems to be increased by about 100 kg (!!) because of this Continuum.  Values become measurable only at cosmic scales, but are correlated to all scales.  The large number of probabilities make macrostates appear as not having quantum behavior (limited time shows only average and as continuous)

This concept of CCA can be approximated as sources and sinks (2nd order differential) of a specific cosmic fluid or Ylem, but the Ylem itself is a complex mixture of oscillations of simultaneous sources, of deformations and of sinks.  For simplicity, a more “regular” fluid concept can be used to obtain measurable values of Dark Energy and Dark Matter and expansion.  Without digressing into the specific characteristics and behavior of the Continuum, it suffices to state that this Continuum has “equivalent” mass or positive energy density  (6.7x10-30 g-cm-3) and if no gradients, ageing is the same everywhere and by the “boundary” it is not local.  It causes a negative pressure (P = w(rc)( c2) = -2.87x10-9   dynes/cm2 and “no” local displacement, not pushing but separating  everything apart by its continuous creation.  (It also seems to> allow longitudinal waves that can present complex causality issues if the Continuum is totally incompressible and one considers Poisson’s ratio for such waves (?)).  Because of this creation and because the Continuum is the Background itself, “everything” in “local” space is “stationary” (if no local motion) while it separates from all else.  This stationary-separation seems to allow phenomenological “speeds” of almost any value without some SR limitations (no disturbance of Continuum by separation, no horizon problem because of behavior of boundary to “outside” and Entanglement, see Postulate).  CCA does not consider anything cosmic to be of random choice, it is a quantum system where probabilities even “prior” to the Postulate, play a very important role but have rules. Therefore, the most definable and “obvious” evolution is (simply) presented. 

POSTULATE:  (First Cosmic Symmetry Breaking)

“Prior to time” (“Before the Beginning”) there  “exists always”  an Infinite (Apeiron) Timeless (Achronon) Homogeneous, Isotropic, Symmetric, n-dimensional (n4 >4) Entity, or Sympan (a  monad super set S, infinite sameness) “That Is All There Is, but is not-Nothing” and it suffers a finite in extent perturbation m , or “crack”, or fissure,  or discontinuity (m1 >1)  (Phase-0, or “Separation” with broken symmetry) of “zero thickness” and at the same instant one of its dimensions is changed by an “operator” Q, that causes,  time to “Start” only within this perturbed finite region, and this perturbation (evolves into) is our Universe

At its inception (beginning in the 1960s) this concept was different from the Standard Big Bang and as the hypothesis matured it showed that it was providing calculable temperatures, densities and other parameters (Nucleosynthesis, etc.) rivaling the big bang values without some of  the shortcomings of the big bang.  In addition the quantized continuum and oscillations of this hypothesis “almost” causes it to be considered at times and some phase as a “dual”, to some versions of the String Theories.  It must be kept in mind however, that no claim is made of connection to the big bang or to String Theory but only presents its own predictions.   However there is a CCA phase that can reach 1026 Kelvin equivalent and 1048 mass density but not at the start.  There is however a continuity from that epoch to the present.   The verifiable predictions may also be similar to other theories but this concept “Continuum Creation and Annihilation Cosmology” (CCA Cosmology) stands on its own, independent of others.  Here, this hypothesis is presented with a very minimal description only to present the major phases of the universe.  Prior to presenting any arguments for, or descriptions of this CCA Cosmology one must understand that whatever is presented here is with reference to the concept that CCA demands the universe to be “HOLISTIC” (Physics only, quantized) with all its meanings and nuances (the timelessness of the Postulate demands this because the Apeiron Achronon is of 2nd  kind since “we” exist).   This automatically (by the Aylon) makes the universe non-local and correlates cosmic values to particle values (the concept of Dirac’s large numbers may have a basis in fact).  

In the philosophy dictionary the definition of “holistic” is given as:

            “Holistic; characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole” and so it will be taken here. 

Another disclaimer is that only densities and values at symmetry breaks (phase changes) can be as presented, because current sizes and total numbers at non phase change points  are subject to interpretation and one must reference metrics, etc, (as for example by the FLRW metric).  values not at points of CSBs can be expressible as continuous.  Here a given current size or total number is defined as a parameter value of “consequence” where an observer at any point (pseudo- center) in the universe will measure the same relative values as long as the actual universe is what is presented or larger.  This is partially the cause of the Cosmological Principle.

The universal wavefunction(s) for the Sympan prior to the perturbation can virtually (superposed) include not only the universal wavefunctions of both the Aylon (Sympan minus Cosmos) and the Cosmos but possibly all the wavefunctions, or the “essence” (by rules) of all entities possible.  Since the Sympan is timeless these wavefunctions are static and cannot be “collapsed” for an observation (possibly by a different interpretation of Schrödinger’s time independent wave equation as not in both directions?  Achronon entity of 1st  and  2nd  kind).  This may not be too different from the concept of Plato’s “ideal” or the essence of all objects which is not the material entity but the concept of the entity that may be the reality.  This concept of Plato’s ideal form is intriguing because one can consider the idea, or the concept, or essence of an object as the specific wavefunction describing the item and its state.  This wavefunction until it is collapsed within the Cosmos only gives probabilities of the state of the object and is not the observable object until it is observed, but can define the object.  The observable object whether a dead or alive cat or a red or blue chair can only become real to us when the eigenvalues are “found” and observation is made, an Operator event, (the Copenhagen interpretation is used mostly except for the First Prime Wavefunction). Prior to the perturbation the virtual (superposed) orthogonal “static” states of the defining “qualities” of the Sympan can be identified as :

                        |ySympan>  =         |Fattributes >              

       One of the attributes of the Sympan is the “causing” (Operator event.) of the perturbation within the infinite 4-d(?) Sympan that causes it to be divided into the infinite Aylon and the finite Cosmos, and makes it Achronon of the 2nd kind.  The Sympan Universal wavefunction (use logic similar to “one sided” L'Hôpital's rule?)

|ySympan> =  |yAylon> + |yCosmos1>  + |yCosmos2>  ….. (if Multiverse)

Multiverse in this case is not the Many World Interpretation where all possible outcomes occur at some branch universes after or at an event outcome, but instead it is possible to have more than one individual and different Cosmos (other discontinuities) and each occurring by separate and independent ( ?) perturbations. If such additional Cosmos’ exist they may have different sizes and thus different parameters.  If the Aylon part of the Sympan is entirely as presented by CCA however, then all possible other discontinuities (if any) can only be different for phases after the Phase-3a, in age of their evolution and can be either matter or antimatter.

Prior to the discontinuity and time all the wave functions could be equated to a probability of one, because they are all “virtual” and Achronon (considered as having infinite time) but after time starts the probabilities within the Cosmos become interdependent and obey the standard quantum mechanical causal behavior.

             |yCosmos>  = |yobject> |yobject> |yobject>….   |fobject>

Description of a possible “GENERAL THEORY OF COSMOLOGY”

To present detail behaviors and parameters of the CCA Cosmology hypothesis would require considerable space and relationships.  Instead, for this forum, only the major phases of the evolution of the Universe by CCA are presented.  Elsewhere (see Forums) with no rigorous justification (some is presented in publications) CCA Cosmology explains a number of existing cosmology puzzles. This unorthodox representation is because the verifiable answers to these puzzles have been provided and verified with at least some rigor.

This CCA Cosmology hypothesis is based on only one postulate (above) and starts with one (degenerate) but plethora cosmic oscillations value and evolves the universe via Cosmic Symmetry Breaks (CSBs) that usher in cosmic phases and “new” forces (gravitons, then photons and vector bosons, gluons & mesons). CCA Cosmology hypothesis has the universe evolving through, or via the following phases.


Phase-0: SEPERATION; (see Postulate) Finite discontinuity of about 1096 cm3.  1st Cosmic Symmetry Breaking (CSB). Beginning of time (for our Cosmos, with complex boundary). Global and local quantum rules are set for all future events, for particles and all forces even if none are yet present.  Discontinuity is Unstable and undulating membrane. Phase-0 duration, one cycle to possibly uncountable number? (irrelevant time for our age)

 Phase-1: THE “BIG” COLLAPSE; 2nd CSB. Undulating membrane closes onto itself as Hypershell and adiabatically collapses and increases density by a factor of 80 orders of magnitude to 1048         g-cm-3.  Global undulations by the collapse change to local shell degenerate small surface vibrations, continuum (proto dark energy with non-zero Lagrangian, 1087 erg) oscillations changing to quantized degenerate continuum oscillations (standing waves) to become high density concentrations, or mass.  No matter/antimatter designation. Duration up to 1014  years (irrelevant time for our age).

Phase-2: EXPANDING BOSON-EPOCH; 3rd CSB. Reaching “critical” density, decay of continuum oscillations to quantized massive bosons (Xena) three flavors of even generations (2,4,6).  Only Xena and Gravity (spin-2  graviton) apparent in this phase, gravitons with up to 1023 eV possible.  No other forces, no leptons, no quarks, no photons, no mesons, no fermions (no tachyons).  Only 7 values of “Sigma quanta”. Universe has equal probability to be matter or antimatter in the future, total number of conserved bosons (>1.4x1079) cold and equal matter to antimatter ratio (cannot annihilate, not “identical opposites”,  but 2 out of the 3 type can decay). Our universe chose decays below.  Generation 6 Xena are stable and are what we see now as dark matter with mass each 1.8x10-23 g.  Duration ~seconds to years? ((+) subscript = antimatter, (-) subscript = matter, x0 scalar)   

            x0 => (x+2 + 2x-4 + x+6 )/( x-2 + 2x+4 + x-6) >1014  

Phase-3a: TRANSITION TO HIGH TEMPERATURE ANTIMATTER BARYONIC UNIVERSE: 4th CSB. All forces and states possible and present, with continued expansion.  The 2nd generation Xena (antimatter 10-11 g numbering 3.55x1078) decay into (mostly) antileptons (7.1x1078 net) and antiquarks (1x1080 ) and some matter quarks(5x1079) to conserve Sigma quanta now numbering 11+ values; generation is important. Xena to baryonic decay is “mother daughter” symmetry. Modified standard model.   Universe continues to expand and is “soup” of Ultahigh energy up to 1022 eV per particle of antileptons quarks, photons and gravitons.  Cosmos particle components almost all high energy antimatter fermions and equal number boson Xena (4th generation) matter states and also half that number dark matter antimatter states of boson sixth generation. Duration, cooling from 1026 kelvin assuming temperature (this high temperature because of the 2nd generation Xena mass).  { } indicate quark/baryon equivalent (baryogenesis)

            x+2 => (n1 + e+ + {p- +n0 )antimatter + 3[D0 + k0]matter}quark equivalent  

 Phase-3b:  GRAND ANNIHILATION; (no CSB) The 4th generation matter Xena (numbering 7.1x1078 with mass 10-18 g) decay into 1.4x1079 net matter leptons about 2x1080 matter quarks and about 1x1080 antimatter quarks.  Half the matter leptons (7x1078) and half the matter surviving quarks annihilate with all the surviving (7x1078, from Phase-3a) antileptons and antiquarks resulting in a radiation epoch (up to 1015 eV photons, or <1019 kelvin).  This epic annihilation by elimination, changes the baryonic component of the universe from antimatter dominance to matter dominance as is today.  Since the dark matter is antimatter but incapable of annihilation (different Sigma quanta) the universe is still balanced (equivalent 50/50). Also the start of voids and walls by dark energy and gravity with small variations of density hapens. { } indicate quark/baryon equivalent (baryogenesis)

                        2nx-4 => 2n(n2 + m- + {S+ +L0 ) matter + 4[D0 + k0] antimatter }quarks

Phase-3g: GRAND DECOUPLING EPOCH (GDE); This is our present expanding Phase. The universe cools from about 1019 kelvin to the present 2.75 kelvin (calculated Eta,      h=(2.32x10-7)/(411) = 5.65x10-10 currently). Nucleosynthesis, artomorphic, large structures by harmonic modes.  At z~1800 plasma to atoms GDE happens. At z~4.4, or at critical total density of ~1.4x10-29  g-cm-3 (~68% of present age) dark energy dominates the sum of dark and baryonic matter components.  Currently the cosmic components are by mass density (g-cm-3) with an error (<5%) due to assumptions like all nucleons are protons, no black hole (bh) contribution also the rounding of values (bh, possibly quantized perhaps in the range up 1012, 106 and 2.9 solar masses, if so, need symmetric bh ejecta and/or jets depending on overfeeding, conservation rules and host galaxy and dark matter).  

Current densities:  total critical flat 9.5x10-30 =100% (W=1) , Baryonic matter is: [(7.11x1078)(mp)/(3.056x1085)] = 3.9x10-31, or 4.1%;  Dark antimatter is: (3.55x1078)(1.84x10-23)/ (3.056x1085) = 2.14x10-30, or 22.5%, Dark energy is:  (5.1x10-45)(Rydberg)3 = 6.76x10-30, or 71.2%


It seems that the CCA hypothesis may be applicable from a quantum system universe to evolution of the physical and living systems see other Forum posts of CCA hypothesis.