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Correlation: Sitting Is Bad For Your Health And Exercise Won't Help

Advances in technology in recent decades have obviated the need and desire for humans to move....

It's About Calories, So Kimchi Is Not A Weight Loss Superfood - But You May Eat Less

Fermented foods have become popular in recent years, partly due to their perceived health benefits....

Beekeepers Are Wrong About Overwinter Hive Behavior

Honeybees in man-made hives may have been suffering the cold unnecessarily for over a century because...

Why Does Anyone Still Search For The Loch Ness Monster?

Hugh Gray was taking his usual post-church walk around Loch Ness in Scotland on a November Sunday...

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The IPCC is clear on the dangers of fossil fuels. Pete Markham, CC BY-SA

By Simon Buckle, Imperial College London

We should know by now - don't click that link. Bill Buchanan, Author provided

By Bill Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Computer security relies on a great number of links, hardware, software and something else altogether: you.

The greatest threat to information security is actually people. Why strive to defeat encrypted passwords stored in computers, when those computers' human users will turn them over willingly?

Ready, set, type! Maksim Kabakou/Shutterstock

By Sally O'Reilly, The Open University

It's not all bad news for older brains. Credit: Shutterstock

By Angela Gutchess, Brandeis University

When Australian singer and TV personality Mark Holden appeared as a clown recently on Channel 7’s "Dancing with the Stars", his supposedly “bizarre” behavior sparked furious debate and complaints to the network, demonstrating the problematic nature of the clown figure today.

The clown has a long history, ranging from the court clowns of ancient Egypt and imperial China, and trickster figures of Native American cultures, through the “sanctioned fool” of Renaissance drama and zanni of the commedia dell arte, to mainstay of the circus in the 19th century.

Children and adults alike are digging out those spooky costumes ready for a celebration.

We’ve reached that time of year again: Halloween. October 31 is dedicated to remembering the dead.

We’ve all experienced fear, but Halloween is the particular time of year when we look for that rush that usually accompanies feeling scared. Are you in need of a “scare-specialist” for this year’s Halloween celebrations? Then you need not look further than your very own brain.