50. Indigofera tinctoria Linn. ‘Neel’ ( Indigo ) :- Leaf yields a valuable vegetable blue dye indigo ; it is fast both to light and water ; it is used for dyeing textiles and for painting. 51. Kingiodendron pinnatun Harms. ‘ Enne , Kolavu’ ( Piney ) :- The wood is strong ,hard , heavy, and fairly durable even in contacts with water. It takes a high polish, it is suitable for beams, rafters, battens, ceiling boards, flooring, furniture, billiard tables, ornamentals veneers, ship building, cordite cases, bowls, etc. An oleoresin is obtained by tapping the stem . It can be used as wood varnish. It yields on distillation a volatile oil which can be used as a substitute for clove oil. 52. Moghania macrophylla Kuntze. ‘Bara-salpan , Bhalia’ :- The pod are highly priced for dyeing silks ; it is not suitable for dyeing linen or cotton. The dye turns brown with alkaline solution. 53. Neptunia triquetra Benth. :- Kols, Gonds, Lodhs and Gujais of Banda district in Uttar Pradesh gives extract of its root for dysentry (Saxena and Vyas, 1981). 54. Ougeinia oojeinensis Hochreut. ‘Sandam , Timsa , Tinnas’ :- The wood is mottled, handsome, hard, tough and elastic ; it takes a good polish and is not readily attacked by white ants. It is in great demand for carts, carriages, shafts, yokes, axles, naves, spokes and felloes of wheels, agricultural implements, well construction, carving, turnery, cooperage, shuttles, spindles and other articles where toughness is required ; The bark fiber is used for making ropes. 55. Pongamia pinnata Pierre. ‘ Karanj’ ( Indian beach ) :- Wood is moderately hard and used for building purposes, ploughs, yokes, oil mills, solid cart wheels and fuels. The wood ash is used for dyeing. The seed oil is used as an illuminant, as an insecticides and in the manufacture of soap. The leaves are used for manuring rice fields. 56. Pterocarpus indicus Willd. ‘Padauk’ ( Andama Padauk ) :- The timber is moderately heavy, very durable and resistant to white ants. It polishes well ; it is priced as an ornamental wood and is much in demand for decorative purposes, interior fittings in buildings, railway coaches and ship saloons, furniture, cabinet works, billiard tables, wheel right’s work and carriages. It is particularly used for counter tops in banks and the places where there is a great deal of wear from coins ; it can also be useful for aircraft propellers. In Burma the tree is often cultivated for its sweet scented flowers and as an ornamental tree. As it is in full foliage during the hot weather it is largely planted for shade. The tree produce a gum which when dried, is as good as the true Indian Kino derived from Pterocarpus marsupium. The Kernel of the fruit is emetic. The wood is much used in Cambodia for its antithermic and antimalarial properties. It is also considered diuretic and anti dysenteric. 57. Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. ‘Asan , Bijsal’ (Gum-kino Tree ) :- The wood is very hard and durable and takes a fine polish ; it is as valuable as teak and blackwood. The wood is not only used in ornamental work, but also in demand for carts, cart wheels, boats, drums, coopers work, pit drops in coal mines etc. The tree is also of great commercial value because of red gum, that exudes from the bark ; it contains 75% of tannic acid which is used in medical preprations and in the manufacture of some wines. 58. Pterocarpus santalinus Linn . ‘Rakta Chandan’ ( Red Sandal wood ) :- The wood is extremely hard and resistant to white ants ; it is chiefly used for house posts, cart shafts, agricultural implements, picture frames, carving etc. The wood contains santalin, a valuable dye. This dye is used in calico printing and for staining wood, dyeing leather red and cloth salmon pink. 59. Saraca indica Linn. ‘Ashok’ ( The Asoka tree ) :- Its wood is light reddish brown and soft and is used for common house building purposes. Its bark is used in uterine affection and its decocation in milk is used in menorrhagia. Its bark is also used as an astringent in case of internal haemorrhoids. The flowers used in haemorrhagic dysentery. Asoka is one of the most sacred tree of hindus. Its flowers, probably on account of their beauty and delicacy of their perfume, are much used in temple decoration. Thee tree is symbol of love and is dedicated to Kama, the Indian God of love Sita, the wife of Lord Rama finds refuge in a groove of Asoka’s, when abducted by Ravana. In the legend of Buddha, when Maya is conscious of having conceived the Buddisattva, she retires to a wood of Asoka tree and sends for her husband. The tree is held sacred among the Burmans because under it Gautama Buddha was born and immediately after his birth delivered his first address. 60. Tamarindus indica Linn. ‘Chinch , Imli’ ( Tamarind Tree ) :- The wood is extremely hard, heavy, tough and resistant to insect attacks. It is used for mallets, planes, rice pounders, furniture, oil and sugar mills, mortars, and pestles, agricultural implements, side planks of boats, shafts, axles and naves, coopers work, well construction, fuel etc. The charcoal made from this wood is of excellent quality and is particularly used for gun-powder. The wood ash is used for tanning and dehairing goat skins. The bark is used as a tanning material in the preparation of hides . The leaves yield a fixed dye which colours woolens red ; it imparts a green colour to silk already dyed with indigo. The leaves, flowers and pods are used as auxiliaries in dyeing. The acid flesh of the pod is extensively used for culinary requirements and for cleaning metal vessels ; its infusion with sea water is useful for cleaning silverware. The seeds are rich in the pectine jellose which is used in jam and jelly industries ; the processed seed oil is used as a varnish for painting images and idols .A cement is made by mixing finely powdered seeds with a glue ; this cement is one of the strongest wood cements. 61. Trigonella Foenum-graecum Linn. ‘Methi’ ( Fenugreek ) :- The herb contains the alkaloid trigonelline and an essential oil ; it is an insect repellent ; it is much used for protecting stored grains against insect attacks ; it is used as a vegetable. The seeds are used in perfumery ; they are also used to flavour mustly scented cattle feed and to adulterate coffee. They yield a yellow dye and the alkaloid trigonelline.