Scientific Name Solanum indicum Linn. Family Solanaceae Used Part Fruits Distribution Area A spiny herb, found throughout the warmer parts of Nepal and India, up to an elevation of 1,500 m. Common Uses . The fruit is bitter, pungent, anthelmintic, useful in pruitus, leucoderma, bronchitis, "vata" "kapha", asthama, fever,vomiting, loss of appetite diseases of the eye (Ayurveda, Yunani). The smoke from burning seeds is said to relieve toothache. In Africa, the plant is used against itch and ringworm. Useful in bronchitis, calculus affections, chronic febrile affections, colic, dysuria, cardiac weakness and urinary diseases. Half-ripe fruits are employed in the preparation of curries, chutneys and preserves. Leaves are used as a vegetable and also serve as fodder for goats. Fruits are considered toxic, laxative and digestive. The smoke from burning seeds is said to relieve toothache. In Africa, the plant is used against itch and ringworm. Root is carminative and expectorant, useful in coughs and catarrhal affections, dysuria and colic. A decoction of root is prescribed as a tonic and is also used in difficult parturition. Root is pounded and used for the treatment of nasal ulcers. It is one of the ingredients of Dasamula. The root is bitter pungent, heating, digestive, astringent to the bowels anthelmintic, removes foulness of the mouth, beneficial in cardiac troubles, useful in leucoderma, fever, asthma, pain bronchitis, vomiting, pruritus. The root forms the drug Brahati. The root is pungent bitter, heating, digestive, astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic, removes foulness of the mouth, beneficial in cardiac troubles, useful in leucoderma, fever, asthma, pain,bronchitis, vomiting, pruritus . Root is carminative and expectorant, useful in coughs and catarrhal affections, dysuria and colic. A decoction of root is prescribed as a tonic and is also used in difficult parturition. Root is pounded and used for the treatment of nasal ulcers. It is one of the ingredients of Dasamula. The major preparations are Brahatiaadi kwaatha, Sudarsahanachurna, Dasamoolarishta, Devadaaraadi kwaatha and Satyadi kwaatha. Similar crude drugs Roots of Solanum melongena Linn.var indicum (Linn) O.Ktze syn S. incanum Linn are commonly substituted for the genuine drug. Roots of Solanum torvum another common plant with a habit similar to S. indicum is also sold as Brahati in some north Indian markets. Pharmacological Effect An alcoholic extract of fruits is active against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli; the extract of leaves also is active against E. coli. Extracts of the whole plant have been tested for a wide range of biological activities. They influence blood pressure; they also have an effect on human-epidermal carcinoma of the naso-pharynx in tissue culture and on Friend-virus leukaemia (solid) in the mice. The herb is active against Helminthosporium sativum.