
Common Sense And Science- If You Have HIV, Don't Chew Your Baby's Food

Don't chew someone else's food if you have HIV or AIDS?   Sure, that sounds like common sense but lots of things that seem like common sense to some are abstract to others- try explaining geodesics, Euclidean geometry and spacetime to people who ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 1 2009 - 3:00am

Malaria's Ancestor Found- Study

Researchers believe they have located the original source of malignant malaria; a parasite in chimpanzees of equatorial Africa.  The biologists think the deadly parasite was transmitted to humans from chimpanzees perhaps as recently as 5,000 years ago and ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 3 2009 - 6:08pm

Half Of Texas Physicians Don't Recommend HPV Vaccine For Girls

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is a contentious debate.   A large pharmaceutical company with budget to spend can't usually find a friend in science but even with vague benefit it's difficult to argue against protecting children or openin ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 14 2009 - 9:08pm

200 Million People: Schistosoma Mansoni Parasite Gets Genome Sequenced

An international team has sequenced the genome of Schistosoma mansoni, a parasite that infects 200 million people in 76 countries through freshwater snails. The US is not one of the affected countries because we don't have the snails that carry the Sc ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 22 2009 - 10:30pm

Biosensor Detects Bacteria Immediately

Salmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, is obviously dangerous, with some 13 million people contracting typhoid fever annually,  fatally for 500,000 of them. Sanitation is the primary cause.   For Americans there are under 500 fewer case ...

Article - News Staff - Sep 8 2009 - 10:46am

Less Butter And Fish Implicated In Increased Teenage Allergies

Allergies are on the rise and there are a number of theories why.  Some speculate that it's due to more parents getting kids tested for allergies; allergists will find allergies thta 40 years ago would have been dismissed as inconveniences.   Other sp ...

Article - News Staff - Sep 21 2009 - 2:28pm

HIV Halted By Plants

HIV/AIDS has been one of the most devastating diseases of the twenty first century. Since the discovery of the HIV virus, our research has demystified the life cycle and actions of the virus, but we have yet to develop a vaccine or adequate long term treat ...

Article - Erin Richards - Sep 29 2009 - 5:19pm

Exorcism The Easy Way

There are many mediums in which evil spirits may reside (most notably dwellings, persons and computers), each requiring its own specific rite of exorcism. The steps enumerated below deal specifically with human exorcism, or ridding the body of an undesired ...

Article - Garth Sundem - Nov 2 2009 - 1:19pm

The Science Of Holiday Stress

If you think the stress you experience during the holidays is doing you harm, you're right. Scientists from the University of Connecticut and Yale University say that entertaining your in-laws or traveling long distances this time of year can make you ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 30 2009 - 12:07pm

Taking Aspirin, Tylenol Could Decrease Effectiveness Of H1N1 Vaccine

Although the H1N1 vaccine is generally believed to be safe and effective, researchers from the University of Missouri have uncovered evidence that taking over-the-counter pain relievers, like aspirin and Tylenol, can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 2 2009 - 11:12am