Applied Physics

'Virtual' Mouse Brains Now Available Online

A multi-institutional consortium including Duke University has created startlingly crisp 3-D microscopic views of tiny mouse brains-- unveiled layer by layer-- by extending the capabilities of conventional magnetic resonance imaging. "These images can ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 9 2007 - 3:06pm

Semiconductor Membranes: Better Than Biological

A semiconductor membrane designed by researchers at the University of Illinois could offer more flexibility and better electrical performance than biological membranes. Built from thin silicon layers doped with different impurities, the solid-state membran ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 12 2007 - 1:08pm

The Physics Of DNA's Double Helix

Researchers at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering have uncovered a missing link in scientists' understanding of the physical forces that give DNA its famous double helix shape. "The stability of DNA is so fundamental to life that ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 12 2007 - 1:19pm

Reshaping Light Waves

New technology could allow a CD to hold up to one hundred times more information by using terahertz radiation rather than visible light, even though the length of a terahertz wave is about 1000 times longer, say University of Michigan researchers. Manipula ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 12 2007 - 2:18pm

The 7 Wonders Of The Parenting World

On Saturday, 07/07/07, the New 7 Wonders of the World were announced. The announcement got me thinking about other everyday “wonders” that I rely on, and am in constant appreciation of, as a mom. Those little things that have become so ingrained in my ever ...

Article - Kimberly Crandell - Jul 14 2007 - 1:23pm

One Giant Leap For Space Fashion- A Skintight Spacesuit

In the 40 years that humans have been traveling into space, the suits they wear have changed very little. The bulky, gas-pressurized outfits give astronauts a bubble of protection, but their significant mass and the pressure itself severely limit mobility. ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 16 2007 - 3:40pm

MIT Microscope Solves Mystery Of "Throbbing" Oil

Simple experiments don't always have simple explanations. This 'throbbing' oil experiment, for example, can be done in your kitchen but getting to the heart of the throbbing has not been possible until now. Try it yourself. Pour clean water ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 17 2007 - 3:30pm

New Developments In Voice Biometrics

A new method which will allow more effective voice discrimination has been developed by researchers at the University of Hertfordshire. Dr Aladdin Ariyaeeinia at the University’s School of Electronic Communication & Electrical Engineering and his team ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 17 2007 - 7:20pm

Mega Flood Separated Britain And France In The Past, Say Scientists

A catastrophic megaflood separated Britain from France hundreds of thousands of years ago, changing the course of British history, according to research led by Sanjeev Gupta and Jenny Collier from Imperial College London, has revealed spectacular images of ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 18 2007 - 9:56am

A Natural 'Workbench' For Nanoscale Construction

Engineers at the University of Pennsylvania have taken a step toward simplifying the creation of nanostructures by identifying the first inorganic material to phase separate with near-perfect order at the nanometer scale. The finding provides an atomically ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 18 2007 - 12:13am