
Polarization Of The Northern Lights

An international team of scientists has detected that some of the glow of Earth’s aurora is polarized, an unexpected state for such emissions. Measurements of this newfound polarization in the Northern Lights may provide scientists with fresh insights into ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 26 2008 - 12:10am

Will Carbon Emissions Be Irrelevant To Future Climate Change?

Are climate change and carbon emissions inextricably linked? New research published in Carbon Balance and Management suggests that this may not be the case, although it may be some time before we reach this saturation point. The land and the oceans contain ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 28 2008 - 12:16am

Is Tropic Mismatch Due To Global Warming Killing Caribou?

Fewer caribou calves are being born and more of them are dying in West Greenland as a result of a warming climate, according to Eric Post, a Penn State associate professor of biology. Post, who believes that caribou may serve as an indicator species for cl ...

Article - News Staff - May 1 2008 - 10:20pm

Anti-Gas Grass Cuts Methane From Cows

Scientists at Gramina, a joint biotech venture by Australia’s Molecular Plant Breeding Cooperative Research Centre and New Zealand rural services group PGG Wrightson Genomics, are developing a grass that will not only cut the amount of methane cows burp up ...

Article - News Staff - May 5 2008 - 12:57pm

Fallow Land's Negative Effect On Air Quality

Fallow agricultural land and steppe-formation processes are evidently capable of having a much greater effect on global air quality than was previously assumed, according to researchers who examined a dust cloud that formed over parched fields in southern ...

Article - News Staff - May 6 2008 - 1:47pm

Methane Munching Microorganisms Captured- May Be Key To Mitigating Greenhouse Gases

Methane, a greenhouse gas with an impact over 20 times greater than CO2, is constantly seeping out of large methane hydrate reservoirs in the ocean floors but 80 percent of it is immediately consumed by syntrophic ("feeding together") microorgani ...

Article - News Staff - May 14 2008 - 9:38am

The 800,000 Year Evolution Of Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases are not all bad. With 90,000 out of every 100,000 years in the planet's history being ice ages, greenhouse gases are absolutely necessary for maintaining the climate we enjoy. In the absence of greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbo ...

Article - News Staff - May 19 2008 - 8:26pm

Jupiter's Little Red Spot- Storm Winds Blowing At 384 Miles Per Hour

Using data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft and two telescopes on or near Earth, an international team of scientists has found that one of the solar system’s largest and newest storms – Jupiter’s Little Red Spot – has some of the highest wind speeds eve ...

Article - News Staff - May 21 2008 - 11:09pm

Take The A-Train To Learn About Cloud Pollution Using Satellites

Clouds have typically posed a problem to scientists using satellites to observe the lowest part of the atmosphere because they block the satellite's ability to capture a clear, unobstructed view of Earth's surface. But these "obstructions&qu ...

Article - News Staff - May 27 2008 - 10:49am

Fixing Air-heating Soot Would Slow Climate Change

Ramanathan has served on IPCC WG2 Panels, he headed the UN's INDOEX project and he's as solid a climate scientist as we have. ...

Article - Lee Rodgers - Jun 3 2008 - 2:12pm