The knives immediately came out among progressive journalists in corporate media. The doctors and scientists criticizing Oz were "corporate shills" and the nonprofits they were affiliated with were suspect and probably front groups for Big Tobacco and Monsanto and probably racist against Muslims.

Columbia summarily ignored the request but then in 2022 removed him and those same progressives cheered.
What changed in seven years? He became a Republican. They didn't examine the evidence and change their minds, he changed his political party.
So it goes with Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., who went from Natural Resources Defense Council attorney who defended him by saying "his positions and the organizations he's aligned himself with are very mainstream America" and such a darling of Democrats he was in line to run EPA, to pariah - because Republicans joined him in being anti-vaccine and Democrats had to flip.
While the reasons the left changed are deceptive and gross - the only ones who look authentic in their beliefs are known organic-industry-fronted cranks like US Right To Know and Center for Science in the Public Interest, because they still hate science even as other Democrats pretend to love it - it will set off a Golden Age for Science and Health in America. The reason is because 90% of career bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. are Democrats. When Republicans wanted to do something pro-science, government union employees just stalled as long as possible. When their party was in control, they abused Chevron Deference to use agencies to create laws using regulations and get around needing Congress.
Just like the sudden opposition to Bob Kennedy Jr, friend of Obama and darling of the environmental bloc that holds an alarming share of Democratic party control, is a public health win. It wasn't that long ago that Democrats in Congress wanted to put warning labels on genetically engineered foods - unless it was organic certified genetically-engineered food created using old Mutagenesis - and ban 5G cell phone towers. Now they claim to be the Party of Science despite being the Party of Denial since the 1990s.
They have come so far that 17,000 physicians are asking Congress not to approve Kennedy.

Yes, it may seem hypocritical given the overwhelming majority of them were on the political team of anti-science believers a few years ago, but that is okay.
The past doesn't matter, they can make up for their crimes against reason by simply doing what they claim to do. An old platitude is to 'dress for the job you want' and the same applies to the psychology of science acceptance. Legacy Democrats may only politically benefit from pretending to be pro-science but a new generation that takes over from Boomer Environmentalists and Chemophobic Gen X will actually be pro-science, because they will have been told they are that and want to be it.
We'll get nuclear energy rather than solar gimmicks and costs will plummet. We'll see an end to the $35 billion supplement industry because Big Pharma is no longer the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy they claimed it was until they found they could take credit from Republicans for the COVID-19 vaccine. They can stop diverting science funding to nonsense like acupuncture inside the NIH. They can get farmers back in the fold by no longer allowing organic food to claim their pesticides aren't chemicals.
Basically, they will undo the entire Clinton administration. Maybe they can even force Mark Hyman into retirement. Along with Dr. Oz and everyone else they once loved, despite the evidence.