In newspaper cartoon serials 100 years ago and in real life for millenia, babies have said "goo goo" and "gaga" - but one recently famous pop music star, who lifted her moniker from Queen's "Radio Gaga", somehow thinks she owns it now.

The Icecreamists Limited, a London restaurant, have a breast milk ice cream(!) named "Baby Gaga" and, if that is not weird enough, Lady Gaga thinks that infringes her trademark.    In capitalizing on the fame of Lady Gaga, the ice cream, with milk expressed from 15 lactating women, is brought out by waitresses in goofy costumes.    Someone else wearing goofy costumes was enough to put Lady Gaga over the edge.   Good thing for her David Bowie doesn't feel the same way.

Westminster City Council has banned the sale of the ice cream, though not because the waitresses may wear meat dresses or that Stefani Germanotta thinks she invented baby talk - but rather for health reasons.   They are worried about hepatitis and other diseases.  The restaurant contends the milk donors are screened using the  procedures as blood and milk banks in London.   Heck, I didn't even know they had milk banks in London.