Self-righteousness is a form of addiction?  Bags of urine in interstellar commerce? An autism plague?

Astrophysicist, futurist and author David Brin gets interviewed in the Wired Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast and you can read a transcript here.

He goes after George Lucas, the kind of succinct evisceration we all imagine in our minds but lack the clarity to pull off, and clobbers Yoda too: 
I have gotten people into tongue-tied snits unable to name for me one scene in which Yoda is ever helpful to anybody, or says anything that’s genuinely wise. “Do or do not, there is no try.” Up yours, you horrible little oven mitt! “Try” is how human beings get better. That’s how people learn, they try some of their muscles, or their Force mechanism heads in the right direction, that part gets reinforced and rewarded with positive feedback, which you never give. And parts of it get repressed by saying, “No, that you will not do!” It is abhorrent, junior high school Zen. It’s cartoon crap.
Why David Brin Hates Yoda, Loves Radical Transparency By Geek's Guide to the Galaxy, Wired