You'd think Hawaii would be really supportive of science.
Without genetic modification and the GMO Rainbow papaya crop, papaya on Hawaii would be extinct due to the ringspot virus, but everyone in Hawaii hates science. Naked girls sell calendars of cheesecake under the pretense that it will save Hawaii from science, a politician drafted a bill to ban all GMOs except the GMO Rainbow papaya.
It must a real anti-science hotbed.
Except it isn't. There are certainly loud anti-science activists in and around Hawaii, and they want to pretend they have support - Pesticide Action Network is flying in anyone they can find to convince high school students pesticides are killing us all, for example - but the politicians embracing those beliefs are finding that citizens are not being educated by environmental advertising. Anti-GMO candidates are being slaughtered at polls. The closest candidate lost by 20 percent. One candidate got under 2% of the vote. One running in a general election got 12% in the primary.
How bad have things gotten for anti-science people since I wrote Science Left Behind in 2012, about the attempts by progressives to derail actual scientific progress and advancement? Back then they stood a real chance of ruining both America and developing nations with their war on food, vaccines and energy, but even Think Progress has turned on the anti-GMO people. Vermont passed a GMO labeling law but it is so full of holes that the founder of the Just Label It campaign can still buy milk from cows fed GM feed (they are still allowed) for his giant organic yogurt corporation.
He made sure he could exempt his business, the same way anti-GMO activists in Hawaii make sure to exempt the papaya.
What will happen to the carpetbagging progressive troublemakers trying to deceive Hawaiians about science? Andrew Walden at Watchdog Wire seems to know.
The 2008 Obama primary campaign brought a wave of unaffiliated haole activists into the Democratic Party organization and lower-level elected offices. It appears that in the 2014 cycle, HGEA, UPW, and Carpenters continue the process of pushing these undesirable elements back out.ANTI-GMO CANDIDATES LOSE BIG IN HAWAII by Andrew Walden, Watchdog Wire
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