Lest the science world think slamming Satoshi Kanazawa is solely the purview of Science 2.0, I present this piece about his ignorant screed on the alleged inferiority of black female attractiveness.

As an aside, the Widdershins site notes "Widdershins means to take a course opposite that of the sun, going counterclockwise, left hand-wise, or to circle an object, by always keeping it on the left" and they were created because Democrats were not left enough in 2008, citing the hostile takeover of the Democratic Party in 2008 under the mantra of “Hope” and “Change” by decidedly non-liberal forces and "one of the most disciplined propaganda machines that this country has ever seen" including the mainstream media, and the so called “progressive blogosphere”.

Aside from it being a clever name and a nice homage to ancient literature, I add that the reason the Widdershin folks are having a problem with progressives is because 'liberal' and 'progressive are two decidedly different things, regardless of what Rush Limbaugh on one side or politicians on the other hope to gain by interchanging the two.    Rather than being two points on a line, politics is a triangle and conservatives, liberals and progressives inhabit a point.   People rest somewhere in the space of the triangle body on most issues, not along any of the lines.   In classical terms mapped to today's culture, progressives are about equality whereas liberals are about freedom so it's no surprise some liberals are disheartened by modern progressives - mandating artificial equality can sometimes get in the way of freedom, the same way shackling Usain Bolt would lead to lousy athletics if the goal was to make everyone equal to him - and a similar disconnect on the right is why some conservatives were disheartened by some neo-cons.